Recognition of Spontaneous Combustion in Coal Mines Based on Genetic Clustering

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingmx2008
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Spontaneous combustion is one of the greatest disasters in coal mines. Early recognition is important because it may be a potential inducement for other coalmine accidents. However, early recognition is difficult because of the complexity of different coal mines. Fuzzy clustering has been proposed to incorporate the uncertainty of spontaneous combustion in coal mines and it can give a clear degree of classification of combustion. Because FCM clustering tends to become trapped in local minima, a new approach of fuzzy c-means clustering based on a genetic algorithm is there- fore proposed. Genetic algorithm is capable of locating optimal or near optimal solutions to difficult problems. It can be applied in many fields without first obtaining detailed knowledge about correlation. It is helpful in improving the effec- tiveness of fuzzy clustering in detecting spontaneous combustion. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by means of an experiment. Spontaneous combustion is one of the greatest disasters in coal mines. Early recognition is important because it may be a potential inducement for other coalmine accidents. However, early recognition is important because it may be a potential inducement for coalmine accidents. the uncertainty of spontaneous combustion in coal mines and it can give a clear degree of classification of combustion. Because FCM clustering tends to become trapped in local minima, a new approach of fuzzy c-means clustering based on a genetic algorithm is there- fore proposed It is able to apply in many fields without first obtaining detailed knowledge about correlation. It is helpful in improving the effec- tiveness of fuzzy clustering in detecting spontaneous combustion. of the method is demonstrated by means of an experiment.
国内统一刊号:CN 51-1574/G4国际标准刊号:ISSN 2095-9214高端平台分享名校经验深度解读传播前沿动态中国知网全文收录期刊万方数据库全文收录期刊维普网全文收录期刊《亚太
为了认真贯彻落实党中央“科教兴国”战略方针,提高“三服务”水平,4月5日上午,中央办公厅隆重召开1995年度科学技术进步奖、政府特殊津贴颁证表彰会。中央办公厅副主任 In
一、1950年6月18日,一个国民党中央委员、二级陆军上将被蒋介石枪杀于台北。但是,中共却追认他为“为中国人民解放事业献出生命的爱国人士”。 First, on June 18, 1950, a