Inactivated Sendai Virus Suppresses Murine Melanoma Growth by Inducing Host Immune Responses and Dow

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Objective This paper aims to investigate the anti-tumor mechanism of inactivated Sendai virus (Hemagglutinating virus of Japan envelope, HVJ-E) for murine melanoma (B16F10). Methods The murine dendritic cells (DCs) were treated with HVJ-E, and then the cytokines secreted from DCs and costimulation-related molecules on DCs were measured. Meanwhile, the expression of β-catenin in HVJ-E treated murine melanoma cells was detected. In addition, HVJ-E was intratumorally injected into the melanoma on C57BL/6 mice, and the immune cells, CTL response and tumor volume were analyzed. Results HVJ-E injected into B16F10 melanoma obviously inhibited the growth of the tumor and prolonged the survival time of the tumor-bearing mice. Profiles of cytokines secreted by dendritic cells (DCs) after HVJ-E stimulation showed that the number of cytokines released was significantly higher than that elicited by PBS (P<0.05). The co-stimulation-related molecules on DCs were comparable to those stimulated by LPS. Immunohistochemical examinations demonstrated the repression of β-catenin in B16F10 melanoma cells after HVJ-E treatment. Meanwhile, real-time reverse transcription PCR revealed that HVJ-E induced a remarkable infiltration of CD11c positive cells, chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10) molecules, interleukin-2 (IL-2) molecule, CD4 + and CD8 + T cells into HVJ-E injected tumors. Furthermore, the mRNA expression level of β-catenin in the HVJ-E injected tumors was also down-regulated. In addition, B16F10-specific CTLs were induced significantly after HVJ-E was injected into the tumor-bearing mice. Conclusion This is the first report to show the effective inhibition of melanoma tumors by HVJ-E alone and the mechanism through which it induces antitumor immune responses and regulates important signal pathways for melanoma invasion. Therefore, HVJ-E shows its prospect as a novel therapeutic for melanoma therapy. Objective This paper aims to investigate the anti-tumor mechanism of inactivated Sendai virus (Hemagglutinating virus of Japan envelope, HVJ-E) for murine melanoma (B16F10). Methods The murine dendritic cells (DCs) were treated with HVJ- In addition, HVJ-E was intratumorally injected into the melanoma on C57BL / 6 mice, and the immune cells, CTL response and tumor volume were analyzed. Results HVJ-E injected into B16F10 melanoma obviously inhibited the growth of the tumor and prolonged the survival time of the tumor-bearing mice. Profiles of cytokines secreted by dendritic cells ( DCs) after HVJ-E stimulation showed that the number of cytokines released was significantly higher than that elicited by PBS (P <0.05). The co-stimulation-related molecules on DCs were comparable to those stimulated by LPS . Immunohistochemical examinations demonstrated the repression of β-catenin in B16F10 melanoma cells after HVJ-E treatment. Meanwhile, real-time reverse transcription PCR revealed that HVJ-E induced a remarkable infiltration of CD11c positive cells, chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10) molecules, In addition, the mRNA expression level of β-catenin in the HVJ-E injected tumors was also down-regulated. B16F10-specific CTLs were induced significantly after HVJ-E was injected into the tumor-bearing mice. Conclusion This is the first report to show the effective inhibition of melanoma tumors by HVJ-E alone and the mechanism through which it induces antitumor immune responses and regulates important signal pathways for melanoma invasion. Thus, HVJ-E shows its prospect as a novel therapeutic for melanoma therapy.
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对于澳门史的研究 ,葡文资料的重要性不言而喻。早在 2 0世纪 30年代 ,张天泽博士就在他的研究中寻求中葡资料的综合。然而 ,半个多世纪过去了 ,这一问题仍然没有得到令人满
从暴力诗人辗转大战赤壁  挥洒中国情怀的史诗篇章  打造国际浩大的电影巨片  吴宇森情归中国万里江河    暴力美学不仅是一种多血之作,而且还是一种多情之作。 除了令人惊心动魄的各种动作场面,吴宇森的影片十分注重表现人的情感,尤其是同性之间的生死情意:父子之情,兄弟之情,患难之情……总之,吴宇森电影虽然充满了暴力,但是吴宇森式的动作英雄总是既流血,又流泪的英雄。   吴宇森是从塞吉欧·莱昂内 之后
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康医生:我今年71岁了,患胆总管结石病多年,服了很多药都没有解决问题,外科医生说要开刀做手术,但我年纪大,身体不太好,不想开刀,怎么办,有没有其他办法?李安祥(陕西) Dr. Ka