英雄礼赞 和平丰碑 扬子江药业携手英雄母亲庆建军80周年活动案例

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扬子江药业作为国内首屈一指的大型医药集团,近10年来,开展了丰富多彩的拥军优属活动,并先后投入5,000多万元用于支持国防建设。今年是中国人民解放军成立80周年的盛大纪念日,如何才能创造扬子江药业10年拥军优属路程的新高度?这是扬子江药业思考的战略问题。7月26日,扬子江药业与中国人民解放军总装备部政治部、中国人民解放军装甲兵工程学院、搜狐军事频道联合举办了“和平年代的丰碑护佑众生的使命——相聚国旗下,英雄母亲检阅英雄儿女”军民共建活动,邀请了全国范围内80位革命英烈的母亲、优秀现役官兵的母亲以及家境贫寒的军人母亲同赴北京,参加“相聚国旗下”、“英雄母亲检阅英雄儿女”、“名垂青史同植英雄林”、“同唱英雄妈妈赞歌”四大主题活动。在对众多拥军优属活动分析后,扬子江药业定下了大打情感牌的差异化基调,对战士与英雄母亲之间的真挚情感进行深度挖掘,引发了社会、媒体、公众的广泛关注。项目主体:扬子江药业集团项目执行:北京关键点公关顾问有限公司 As the leading large-scale pharmaceutical group in China, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical has carried out a rich and colorful campaign of supporting the army and marching for the past 10 years and has invested more than 50 million yuan in support of national defense construction. This year marks the grand anniversary of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. How can we create a new height in the journey of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical for 10 years with the superior army? This is a strategic issue for the pharmaceutical industry in Yangzi River. On July 26, the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical and the Political Department of the General Armament Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the Chinese Academy of Armored Force Engineering of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Sohu Military Channel jointly held the mission of “protecting the beings of all beings in peacetime.” Heroes and children, “the army and the people jointly build the event, inviting mothers of the 80 revolutionary martyrs throughout the country, mothers of outstanding active officers and soldiers and mothers of poor military families to go to Beijing for the purpose of gathering together the national flags, reviewing heroes and mothers Heroes and children, ”“ the name of the history of the same plant hero Lin ”,“ sing the heroic mother singing hymn ”four major activities. After analyzing the many activities of supporting the army and superiority, the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical set the tone of differentiation of the emotional cards and deeply explored the sincere feelings between the soldiers and her heroic mother, which aroused widespread concern from the society, the media and the public. Project Owner: Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Project Execution: Beijing Key Points PR Consultants Ltd.
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