
来源 :敦煌研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:msdnolduser1
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一、前言敦煌莫高窟是我国重要的文化艺术宝库,其中壁画和彩塑及木构窟檐都是珍贵的文物。为继承和发杨我国古代文化艺术,古为今用,这样,如何保护敦煌莫高窟的文物亦成了一项重要的研究课题。当然,自解放以来在党和人民政府的领导和大力支持下。敦煌文物研究所在保护研究工作中也取得了一定的成绩。尤其是粉碎“四人帮”之后,文物保护工作正在不断地纵深发展。78年中央有关领导同志来敦煌视察工作,对当前文物保护工作就提出了许多指导性的意见,然后又亲自指示甘肃省科委要把敦煌文物科学保护研究工作列入议事日程,随即省科委又具体把四项文物保护研究课题委托化工部涂料工业研究所和敦煌文物研究所共同进行研究,此“莫高窟壁画彩塑无机颜料的X射线剖析”便是其中之一。对壁画颜料的分析和了解壁画变色的原因,又是为了寻找保护,临摹和修复壁画的方法提供重要依据。 I. Preface Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are an important treasury of arts and culture in China. Among them, murals, colored plastic and wooden eaves are precious relics. In order to inherit and send Yang ancient culture and art in our country, the ancient is used today, so how to protect the relics of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang has also become an important research topic. Of course, since the liberation, under the leadership and strong support of the party and people’s governments. Dunhuang Institute of Cultural Relics in the protection of research has also made some achievements. In particular, after the smashing of the “Gang of Four,” the work of protecting cultural relics is continuing to develop in depth. In the past 78 years, the relevant leaders of the Central Government came to visit Dunhuang and put forward many guiding opinions on the current protection of cultural relics. They also personally instructed the Science and Technology Commission of Gansu Province to put the study of the protection of cultural relics in Dunhuang on the agenda, And specifically to the four cultural relics protection research commissioned by the Ministry of Chemical Industry Coatings Institute of Industry and Dunhuang Institute of Cultural Relics jointly study the “Mogao Grottoes color-coded inorganic pigments x-ray analysis” is one of them. The analysis of mural paints and the understanding of the causes of discoloration of frescoes provide an important basis for finding ways of protecting, copying and repairing mural paintings.
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