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比买房头痛的是签订处处显露“霸王条款”的购房合同,比签订购房合同更头痛的是收房,期房更是如此。在经历期房漫长且忐忑不安的等待后,在交纳了一切开发商所要求的各种费用后,待轮到开发商交付房屋之日,业主却往往被告之到物业公司处领取房屋钥韪。当业主到物业公司领取钥匙时,却被要求先签订物业合同,且无任何协商的余地,否则钥匙就会被扣押,多数业主在此情况下往往委曲求全。这似乎是这个行业“正常规则”,但近期一北京开发商因将房屋钥匙擅交物业公司,被告上法庭并最终被判承担逾期交房的违约责任,此举作为业主维权破冰,给这一“正常规则”以最为猛烈的一击。 Headache than buying a house is signed everywhere exposed “Overlord terms” of the purchase contract than the signing of the purchase contract more headache is the closing room, even more so 期房. After a long and uneasy waiting period, after paying all the costs demanded by the developer, the landlord will often be sued at the property company to get the house key until the developer delivers the house. When the owner picks up the key from the property company, he is asked to sign the property contract first without any room for negotiation. Otherwise, the key will be detained, and most property owners are often overcautious under such circumstances. This seems to be the “normal rule” in the industry. But recently, a Beijing developer was brought to court because he had put a house key on the property company and was finally sentenced to bear the liability for breach of contract overdue delivery. As a protection for the rights of owners, Normal rule "with the most violent blow.
目的探讨浙东南地区上消化道疾病与幽门螺杆菌感染(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)的关系。方法对2010年1月至2013年12月期间该地区接受胃镜检查同时行幽门螺杆菌检查14 083
对机电产品的环境保护要求越来越受到各国的重视。本文阐述了工程机械环境保护性的定义,发达国家的有关法规、标准。提出了改善工程机械环境保护性的综合措施。 The environ
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