
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spendtime
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目前,幼儿园普遍设置了“红花栏”,如果运用不当,确实存在一定的负作用。但笔者以为如果运用恰当、评价得法,“红花栏”的负作用是可以避免的。 1.全面开“花”。让每个孩子在原有基础上不断发展每个人都有上进心,每个孩子都有闪光点。评价时要充分考虑到孩子的个性差异,不能以统一的标准去评价孩子。教师可用红花、绿花、黄花、蓝花、紫花分别表彰幼儿的有礼貌、讲卫生、爱劳动、爱学习、乐于助人等行为。这样,“红花栏”的评比范围扩大了,每个孩子都有机会得到鼓励。这样的评比,让孩子看到自己的优点,了解自己的不足。激励孩子保持和发扬优点,并在不够方面作出努力,不 At present, kindergarten generally set up “red flower fence”, if used improperly, there is indeed a certain negative effect. However, I believe that if the proper use of evaluation, the “red flower fence” the negative effects can be avoided. 1. Open a full “flowers.” Let every child continue to develop on the basis of the original everyone’s ambition, each child has a bright spot. Evaluation should take full account of children’s personality differences, can not be a uniform standard to evaluate children. Teachers can use safflower, green flowers, yellow flowers, blue flowers, purple flowers respectively recognize the polite children, speaking hygiene, love labor, love learning, helpfulness and other activities. Thus, “red flower fence” rating expanded, every child has the opportunity to be encouraged. Such a rating, let the children see their strengths, to understand their own deficiencies. Motivate children to maintain and develop their strengths, and to make efforts in not enough, no
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