我院血站于 1998年 10月~ 2 0 0 0年 5月 ,对驻闽南部分军队人员及地方部分机关人员无偿献血晕针反应情况进行了调查。1 材料与方法 ( 1)对象 :为驻闽南部分军队人员及部分地方机关的公务员有组织和成批量的献血者 ,共 350 6名 ,其中女性 30 0名。按不同献血时间将献血者分
Our hospital blood stood in October 1998 ~ May 2000, conducted a survey on the voluntary blood donation and fainting reaction among some army personnel in the Minnan and local departments. 1 Materials and Methods (1) Subjects: There were 3506 organized and batch donors of blood donors for some PLA military personnel and some local authorities in southern Fujian, including 30 women. Donate blood according to different blood donation points