
来源 :中国卫生政策研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjtgu618215
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目的:描述分析首届订单定向医学毕业生的就业现状,评价订单定向医学生培养项目实施效果,发现存在的问题并提供相关的政策建议.方法:对中西部4所医学院校的2015届305名订单定向医学毕业生和315名临床五年制医学毕业生进行随访调查.分析其履行合约、参加工作及住院医师规范化培训情况.结果:订单定向毕业生合约履行率99.3%.订单定向毕业生和临床五年制毕业生到乡镇卫生院工作的比例分别为90.7%、2.8%,月平均收入分别为2 011元、2 774元,参加住院医师规范化培训的比例分别是77.8%、43.3%.结论:4所医学院校首届订单定向医学毕业生履行合约及参加住院医师规范化培训情况良好,但工作编制和待遇落实较为滞后,订单定向和住院医师规范化培训之间的关系尚未明确.建议在订单定向医学生毕业前,医学院校尽早与地方卫生行政部门和人力资源与社会保障部门协调联系,及早落实医学生的就业工作.同时,在充分协商的基础上,尽快明确订单定向医学生参加住院医师规范化培训的程序和要求.“,”Objective: In order to describe the employment status of the first group of targeted admission medical graduates, evaluate the effects of targeted admission medical education program, find out the existing problems and provide relevant policy recommendations.Methods: This study conducted follow-up survey among 305 medical graduates and 315 clinical medical graduates in four medical colleges of the central and western regions.Data analyses of the contract fulfillment, their employment status, and their participation in the standardized residency training are carried out.Results: The contract fulfillment rate of rural-oriented medical graduates is 99.3%, while the percentages of rural-oriented medical graduates and clinical medical graduates are 90.7% and 2.8%, respectively.Their average monthly incomes are respectively 2,011 and 2,774 yuan, and their proportions of participating in standardized residency training are 77.8% and 43.3% respectively.From the findings it can be seen that the employment situation of the first group of targeted admission medical graduates in four medical colleges and universities is quite good, but the policy implementation process in terms of permanent post and income is less satisfactory.However, the way how medical graduates should participate in the standardized residency training is not yet clearly regulated.This paper recommends that medical colleges and universities should well coordinate with local health administrative departments and human resources and social security departments to systematically deploy medical graduates.At the same time, full consultations should be conducted to make appropriate arrangement for medical graduates to participate in standardized residency training.
目的:总结全胸腔镜房间隔缺损修补术的手术并发症。方法100例成人房间隔缺损患者,随机分为两组:全胸腔镜组(56例),采用右侧胸壁打3个小孔(直径1~2 cm),外周体外循环(CPB),胸腔镜下
随着经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,糖尿病病人的数量迅速增加,各种糖尿病的并发 症已成为导致病人致残和早亡的主要原因。因此,早期 发现糖耐量低减者(IGT),找出早期干预治疗的
目的探讨伸直型肱骨髁上骨折复位以及其固定方法与疗效。方法 440例儿童伸直型肱骨髁上骨折患儿,对其采用牵纳旋屈复位法加微创克氏针固定方法进行针对性治疗,并于术后10~36