农村卫生通俗講話 怎样防治瘧疾?

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“瘧疾”这个病名,在我国的古书里,早有了記載。特別在“內經”里,对于瘧疾的症狀和治疗方法,更有了比较詳細的說法。为什么叫做“瘧疾”呢?因为这种病在发作的时候,病人寒一陣,热一陣的,好象受到很惨酷的刑罸,因此叫做瘧疾。(瘧字就是酷虐的虐字,加上一个疒字头)。根据素问“瘧論”里说:“瘧之始发也,先起于毫毛,伸欠乃作,寒慄,鼓頷,腰脊俱痛;塞生,則內外皆热,头痛如破,渴欲冶飲”。这对瘧疾的发病症狀,已經描写得很为镝明扼要。汉代张仲景著的“金匮要略”,談到瘧疾日期長久了,会引起“瘧母”(相当于现代医学所说的脾臟腫大),这本书里介紹治瘧母的方子 The name “malaria” has already been recorded in our ancient books. Especially in the “Internal Classic,” there are more detailed statements on the symptoms and treatment of malaria. Why is it called “Malaria”? Because the patient was cold and hot during the onset of the disease. It seemed to have been subjected to very severe punishment. It was therefore called malaria. (Malaria is a brutal abuse, plus a slogan). According to the question of “Malaria,” he said: “Before the malaria began, it started with a hairless hair, and it owed it to it. It was cold, drumsticks, and lumbar ridges were painful; and when it was born, it was hot inside and outside, and the headache was broken. Thirsty desire to drink.” This has been described very clearly for the symptoms of malaria. The “Golden Chamber Outline” written by Zhang Zhongjing in the Han dynasty, which talked about the long-term malaria era, will cause “malaria mother” (equivalent to the spleen enlargement in modern medicine). This book describes the prescription of malaria mothers.
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处方:炒白术六份,毛苍术三份,干姜一份。混合共为细末。用法:成人每日服三次,每次2-3钱,小儿酌减。服后患者可感胃部有发热感觉。1965年2月至9月 Prescriptions: Six for Fr