Africa Food Show virtual edition:strengthen food value chains amid pandemicc

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  On 20th July, Africa Food Show (AFS) opened to strengthen food value chains amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, the event’s organizers said. The event virtually took place through the digital platform "Global Trade Week" due to travel restrictions imposed by governments globally to contain the pandemic. The event gathered about 300 exhibitors from about 16 countries and regions, including China, according to the organizer. The five-day show played host to some of the most cutting-edge trends in food and agriculture and showcase groundbreaking new products and technologies.
  The exhibition received strong support from relevant government organizations. Qatar National Development Bank was the gold sponsor of the online digital exhibition, and the US Meat Export Federation(USMEF) participated as a group. In addition, Dr. Nevine Gamaa, Minister of Industry and Trade of Egypt; Mr. Anani Demuyakor, Ambassador of Ghana; Mr. Anthony Muriithi, Director of Kenya Agriculture and Food Bureau; Ms. Wairimu Mbarire, Chairman of Kenya Retail Traders Association,;Mr. Ataho George, CEO of Ugan Jedi Farms; Mr. Isabirye Farouk Lubanga of Busoga Grain Trading Co., Ltd. of Uganda; Mr. Rodney Mukula, President of Uganda Asante Agriculture Co., Ltd.; Mr. Naji El Haddad, Regional Manager of International Association of Exhibition Industry; Wang Hailin, President of MIE Group, attended the online Opening Ceremony and delivered speeches.
  Wang Hailin said that Africa Food Show virtual exhibition was the timely solution they had designed to help food manufacturers, buyers, distributors and suppliers recover from the impact of COVID-19, based on our 20 years’ of offline exhibition resources. The AFS was currently the first digital food exhibition held in Africa. It would use the "GTW" digital exhibition platform to achieve more transactions and sales, and promote the interconnection of African and global food products.
  The Ambassador of Ghana Mr. Anani Demuyakor said that Africa is an emerging investment market, and Ghana is the leader of the West African economy. With the gradual control of the domestic epidemic in Ghana, in the next few decades, Ghana will continue to have access to food, medical, infrastructure and other fields’ huge investment space.
  Ms. Wairimu Mbarire, Chairman of the Kenya Retail Traders Association, confirmed that the domestic market in Kenya is in strong demand. She believed that the holding of digital trade in Africa would promote the interconnection of global food companies and would become the smoothest way of foreign trade under the epidemic.”   Mr. Dan Halstrom, Chairman of the American Meat Export Federation, first thanked the organizer MIE Group for the online food exhibition. He said that the purpose of the American Meat Export Federation is to open up business opportunities for the import and export of meat products in the United States. Foreign trade networks have been established all over the world to closely connect buyers and sellers around the world to build a fair international business environment with fewer trade barriers. The members participated in this year’s African Food Show aiming to expand business opportunities under the epidemic.
  Mr. Naji El Haddad, UFI Regional Manager, expressed his confidence in the success of this year’s African Food Show. He pointed out that offline exhibitions have encountered unprecedented impacts due to the epidemic, and digital exhibitions have brought new changes in the exhibition industry. As a member of UFI, MIE Group had the ability to hold online activities and he wished this event can help companies develop new markets.
2 0 2 1 年非洲礦业展览会将于明年2 月8 - 1 1 日举办。上届展会贵宾云集,亮点纷呈。其中,塞拉利昂总统和刚果民主共和国总理在Mining Indaba发表讲话。塞拉利昂总统朱利叶斯?马阿达?比奥和刚果民主共和国总理西尔维斯特雷?伦加都是参加开幕式的重要人物。朱利叶斯?马阿达?比奥借此机会介绍了塞拉利昂在财政和立法方面的改革,以吸引更多投资到该国。同时,西尔维斯特雷?伦加强调了尊重相关
7月20日,全球首个非洲数字展(AFS)正式启动。本次线上展是由中东国际展览集团(迪拜MIE集团)主办,通过“线上展览+精准配对”创新展会形式,帮助企业抢订单、拓市场。在为期五天的展会中,来自全球16个国家的300多家食品行业展商通过展贸通GTW平台对接采购商。  展会得到了相关政府组织机构的大力支持,卡塔尔国家开发银行是数字展的金牌赞助商,美国肉类出口联合会也组团参展。此外,埃及工贸部部长Dr.
Editor’s note: To Albert Aoun, Chairman of IFP Group & UFI MEA Chapter Chair, it is crucial for exhibitions to be responsive and adaptable to everchanging landscapes, especially in a post-pandemic wor
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