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“关学研究”栏目是本刊的新创栏目,由刘学智教授、林乐昌教授主持。关学是宋代以降关中地域思想文化中最为璀璨的奇葩,也是具有全国乃至世界性影响的地域性学术流派之一。《唐都学刊》身居关中书院所在地,开辟“关学研究”栏目是我们的职责,这对于推动关学研究的深入发展无疑具有重要意义。为此,我们热诚期望海内外关学研究者惠赐佳作,特向从事该领域研究或相关研究的专家、学者征集稿件。具体要 “Guan Xue Studies ” column is a new part of this publication, chaired by Professor Liu Xuezhi, Professor Lin Lechang. Guan Xue is the most brilliant flower in the Guanzhong region ideology and culture in the Song Dynasty, and also one of the regional academic schools with national and even international influence. It is undoubtedly important for us to promote the further development of Guan Xue study. It is our duty to open the column of Guan Guan Studies. To this end, we sincerely hope that scholars from all over the world will give their best works and solicit contributions from experts and scholars engaged in research in this field or related fields. Specific to
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