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一九九三年,是提前实现“八五”计划的关键一年。我们要在建设有中国特色社会主义理论和党的基本路线指引下,从四川的实际出发,全面贯彻党的十四大精神,抓住有利时机,加快改革开放,在优化结构、提高质量、增进效益的基础上实现经济较快发展,保持社会稳定。经省八届人大一次会议批准,一九九三年全省国民经济发展的主要指标为:国民生产总值一千七百亿元,增长9%;工农业总产值二千九百○八亿元,增长11.4%,工业产值二千○九十三亿元,增长15%;农业产值八百一十五亿元,增长3%;国民收入一千三百九十亿 In 1993, it is a crucial year for early implementation of the “1985” plan. Guided by the basic line of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the party’s basic line, we should proceed from the actual conditions in Sichuan and implement the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress in an all-round manner. We should seize the favorable opportunity and speed up the reform and opening up. We should optimize the structure, improve the quality, Benefit based on the rapid economic development and maintain social stability. Approved by the first meeting of the Eighth National People’s Congress, the main indicators for the development of the national economy in 1993 in the province were: GDP 170 billion yuan, up 9%; total industrial and agricultural output 298.8 billion yuan Yuan, an increase of 11.4%, the industrial output value of 209.03 billion yuan, an increase of 15%; agricultural output value of 81.5 billion yuan, an increase of 3%; the national income of 139 billion
近年来,县乡财权和事权不一致,财政收入趋紧,地区贫富差距加大,原有债务负担难以消化,表明县乡财政步入了困境。能否走出困境对经济社会可持续发展关系重大。 In recent yea
同志们: 市委、市政府召开的这次加快发展高新技术产业座谈会,是一次重要的会议。在与会同志的共同努力下,会议达到了预期的目的。我相信,通过这次会议,必将对全市高新技术
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病人男,40岁.咳嗽1周.查体气管明显左移,右上肺呼吸音低.胸部X线及CT示右上纵隔球形囊状肿物,直径约12 cm,气管重度受压,初步诊断为右上纵隔占位性病变.于2004年4月在全麻下行剖胸探查,术中探查肿物中等硬,张力大,活动差,位于食管、气管右前方,上腔静脉左后方,心脏上方。