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1.中医脾胃病的“虚、实”与X线所见的器质性和功能性改变之间有一定的关系,即中医辩证由“虚证”(脾气虚、脾阳虚……)到“实证”(……肝胃不和、气滞、血淤)胃肠道的器质性病变逐渐增多。或者说,胃肠道的改变,由器质性病变(溃疡、肿瘤等)到功能性病变(包括低张胃),中医辩证中之“虚证”逐渐增多。可见中医辩证中之“虚证”多属功能性病变,而“实证”多属器质性病变。2.中医“脾”与“胃”病的征象常同时并见,但也单独出现,仅见“脾”病征象者(乏力、腹胀、纳差、便溏等)多属功能性病变。兼有或仅见“胃”病的征象者(烧心、嘈杂、反酸、呃逆等)多为器质性病变,此外,中医有很多“证候群”,在诊断上有一定的价值,造影前可以粗略的予测患者胃肠道的改变,X线医生学习中医知识,可以提高诊断能力。3.脾虚(脾气虚、脾阳虚、脾阴虚、脾虚发烧等)与胃肠道功能性改变常并存、某些胃肠道功能性改变与脾虚之间有比较固定的关系,这些功能性改变可以作为脾虚的客观指征,计有:胃下垂、低张胃、低张小肠、小肠连动功能增强、胃排空慢或快,以及小肠吸收不良等等。4.“气滞”患者的胃肠道造影,常见暴布胃、胃底轮廊不平滑呈多发小囊袋状畸形,胃底与胃体间环状收缩、食管胃角减小、反射性胃内气液增多、慢性十二指肠淤积、左结肠内容长期存留、结肠脾屈积气过多(脾屈或肝屈综合征)反射性肠淤张等等,因此,这些X线所见,也可作为“气滞”的客观指征。5.西医对胃肠功能性改变的诊断有很多综合征,大都是对某一征象的综合性病因分析、而中医的“证侯群”则是对人体某一生理系统异常较全面的综述,因人体单独出现某一病理征象的机会甚少,如小肠运动功能增强(西医视为一种综合征)必有腹泻或便溏,胃泡积气较多(西医也视为一个综合征)必有左胁胀痛或嗳气,故中医辩证在诊断方面优于西医,此外、中医对某些典型“证侯群”的治疗,每见奇效,所以在慢性消化系统疾病的临床研究中,对功能性疾病的诊断,中医辨证的某些名词,可以作为独立疾病。 Chinese medicine spleen and stomach disease “virtual reality” and the X-ray seen organic and functional changes have a certain relationship between the dialectical TCM by the “deficiency” (spleen deficiency, spleen yang ... ...) to “Empirical” (... ... liver and stomach, qi stagnation, blood stasis) organic gastrointestinal tract lesions gradually increased. Or, gastrointestinal changes, from organic lesions (ulcers, tumors, etc.) to functional lesions (including low stomach), TCM dialectical “deficiency syndrome” gradually increased. Visible TCM dialectical “deficiency syndrome” mostly functional lesions, and “evidence” are mostly organic disease. 2. Symptoms of TCM “spleen” and “stomach” often appear together at the same time, but they also appear alone. Only the symptoms of “spleen” syndrome (fatigue, abdominal distension, anorexia and loose stool) are mostly functional lesions. In addition, there are many signs of “stomach” syndrome (heartburn, noisy, acid reflux, hiccups, etc.) You can roughly predict changes in patients with gastrointestinal tract, X-ray doctors learning Chinese medicine, can improve the diagnostic ability. Spleen deficiency (spleen deficiency, spleen yang, spleen yin deficiency, spleen fever, etc.) and gastrointestinal changes often co-exist, some changes in gastrointestinal function and spleen have a relatively fixed relationship between these functional Changes can be used as an objective indication of spleen deficiency, there are: gastroptosis, hypocaloric stomach, low intestine, small intestine with increased motor function, slow or slow gastric emptying, and poor absorption of the small intestine and so on. 4. Gas qi stagnation in patients with gastrointestinal imaging, common storm stomach, gastric fundus is not smooth polycystic bladder pouch deformity, gastric fundus and gastric ring contraction, gastroesophageal angle reduction, reflectivity Gastric fluid increased, chronic duodenal deposition, the contents of the long-term retention of the left colon, colon and spleen flexor gas hyperactivity (splenic flexure or liver flexor syndrome) reflective intestinal silt, etc., therefore, these X-ray findings , But also as an objective indication of “qi stagnation.” Western medicine diagnosis of gastrointestinal changes There are many syndromes, mostly on a syndrome of a comprehensive etiological analysis, and TCM “syndrome” is a summary of the human body a more comprehensive physiological system, Due to the human body there is little chance of a pathological signs alone, such as enhanced small bowel movement (Western medicine as a syndrome) must have diarrhea or loose stools, gas more gas bubbles (Western medicine is also considered a syndrome) will In addition, the traditional Chinese medicine for some typical “card group” treatment, each see miraculous, so in the clinical study of chronic digestive diseases, the function of The diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, some of the traditional Chinese medicine dialectical, can be used as an independent disease.
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