
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Joexie2005
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无定河是黄河中游水土流失严重的一条较大支流,发源于陕西省靖边县白于山。在陕西省境内,流经榆林、延安两个地区的榆林、米脂、子洲、清涧、吴旗、子长等11个县。流域面积21615平方公里,占无定河流域面积的71.4%。建国以来,开展了流域综合治理,经过30余年的努力,取得了较大的增产减沙效益,积累了丰富的治理经验。截止1986年底,无定河流域共治理水土流失面积10703平方公里,占流失面积的49%。随着治理程度的提高,流域内自然面貌和农业生产基本条件, Wudinghe is a large tributary of serious soil erosion in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, originated from Baiyunshan in Jingbian County, Shaanxi Province. In Shaanxi Province, it flows through 11 counties, including Yulin, Mizhi, Zizhou, Qingjian, Wuqi and Zichang, in the two areas of Yulin and Yan’an. The basin area of ​​21,615 square kilometers, accounting for 71.4% of the area of ​​the Wudinghe basin. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, comprehensive management has been carried out in the watershed. After more than 30 years of hard work, great benefits have been achieved in yield increase and sediment reduction and a wealth of management experience has been accumulated. By the end of 1986, a total of 10,703 square kilometers of soil erosion had been managed in the Wudinghe River Basin, accounting for 49% of the total area lost. With the improvement of governance, the natural appearance of the basin and the basic conditions of agricultural production,
上海市工商部门日前开始查办虚假违法房地产广告。据悉,上海市工商局这次为期一个月的检查的主要内容是: 1、商品房广告主体资格是否合法。2、商品房销售资格是否合法。3、
目前市场上的软床垫大致分为软、适中、硬几种。这是制作过程中用簧的数量多少和使用的钢丝直径而定的,选购时可根据自己的情况、喜好购买适宜的床垫。并应注意以下几点: 一
(一) 淮北平原农田外排水特征淮北平原经过建国以来多年的治淮水利建设,在农田排水方面,已经初步形成了骨干系统。众多的河道、大中级排水沟,在农田多余水量的排泄中,发挥了
With the guidance of petroleum system theory,the dynamic filling history of natural gas in the Kela-2 gasfield is analyzed by using a large suite of oil and ga