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随着网络媒体的发达,网络在日常生活中的运用逐渐增多,位置日益突显,尤其是在舆论形成过程中,网络媒体具有不容忽视的推动作用。但是网络舆论监督也是一把双刃剑,在网络舆论监督赢得一片叫好声的同时,网络舆论同时也给社会带来了极大的危害,法律缺失、政府管理引导不力、信息失真等问题不断呈现。检察机关作为法律监督机关,担任着维护社会公平正义的重任,检察机关执法公信力、检察形象至关重要,因此,检察机关应当对涉检网络舆情监督与引导有个全面正确的认识,不断地进行规范和正确引导,建立起有利于网络舆论监督的制度与途径,使“互联网”成为推动检察工作,维护社会公平正义的最佳手段。本文采用文献研究、个案研究、比较研究等研究方法,采取理论结合实际的方法,全面分析了网络化时代媒体监督的优势、局限性,进而提出了检察机关提高网络舆情引导力的方式与途径,希望对检察机关应对网络舆情有所裨益。 With the development of online media, the use of the Internet in daily life is gradually increasing, and its location is increasingly prominent. Especially in the formation of public opinion, online media can not be neglected. However, the supervision of public opinion on the Internet is also a double-edged sword. While the public opinion on the Internet has won a good reputation, the public opinion on the Internet has also brought great harm to the society. The lack of laws, the poor guidance of government administration and the distortion of information continue to emerge . Procuratorial organs as legal supervision organs hold the task of maintaining social fairness and justice. Procuratorial organs are extremely important in law enforcement credibility and procuratorial work. Therefore, procuratorial organs should have a comprehensive and correct understanding of the online public opinion supervision and guidance of the relevant departments and keep conducting them Standardize and correctly guide the establishment of systems and ways conducive to the supervision of the network media so that the “Internet” becomes the best means of promoting procuratorial work and safeguarding social fairness and justice. This paper adopts the methods of literature research, case study and comparative study to analyze the advantages and limitations of media supervision in the era of internet in theory and in combination with the actual methods, and then puts forward the ways and means for procuratorial organs to improve the guide force of network public opinion. Hope that the prosecution to deal with online public opinion has benefits.
中国艺术研究院是联合国教科文组织列为保护和研究传统与民间表演艺术的主要机构之一,抢救和保护工作在全国具有代表性。 例如,经典民族乐曲《二泉映月》等一大批优秀艺术遗