Effects of road networks on ecosystem service value in the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnlqlql
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Based on the land use(LU)(in 1985 and 2000)and road networks(RN)data in the Longitudinal Range- Gorge Region(LRGR),ecosystem services value(ESV)loss under the disturbance of road networks was estimated by using landscape degradation index(LDI)to clarify the effects of human activities on ecosystem service function(ESF).Results show that the ESV decreased more than 65×10~8 Yuan(RMB) due to the transformation of ecosystems in the study area during the pest 16 years.The ecosystems influenced by road networks of different grades account for 5.4% of the total land in the study area.The ecosystems lost their ESV of 1900×10~8 Yuan(RMB)by the disturbance of RN.The effect of RN on the ESV decreased exponentially.The forecast shows that ESV will be decreased 1.2%/a on average in 2010 and 2020 due to RN projects.The effect of ecosystem structure change on ESV was complex and nonlinear.The disturbance of RN,one of the human activities influencing ESF is considered,further study end new method should be developed to accurately estimate the loss of ESV and the ecosystem function. Based on the land use (LU) (in 1985 and 2000) and road networks (RN) data in the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region (LRGR), ecosystem services value (ESV) loss under the disturbance of road networks was estimated by using landscape degradation index (LDI) to clarify the effects of human activities on ecosystem service function (ESF). Results show that the ESV decreased more than 65 × 10 ~ 8 Yuan (RMB) due to the transformation of ecosystems in the study area during the pest 16 years. Ecosystems affected by road networks of different grades account for 5.4% of the total land in the study area. Ecosystems lost their ESV of 1900 × 10 ~ 8 Yuan (RMB) by the disturbance of RN. The effect of RN on the ESV decreased exponentially. The forecast shows that ESV will be decreased 1.2% / a on average in 2010 and 2020 due to RN projects. The effect of ecosystem structure change on ESV was complex and nonlinear. The disturbance of RN, one of the human activities influencing ESF is considered, further study end new method sh ould be developed to accurately estimate the loss of ESV and the ecosystem function.
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