
来源 :东南亚南亚信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:holyturtle
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90年代以来,南亚各国积极推行经济改革,加强区域合作,扩大对外开放领域,吸引外资发展经济。亚洲开发银行最近发表的一份研究报告指出,南亚各国在1997年将加快经济发展步伐。 南亚次大陆处于欧亚大陆外沿新月形地带的中心,山水相连,地域辽阔,人力资源和自然资源都很丰富。早在1985年,南亚的印 Since the 1990s, various countries in South Asia have actively pursued economic reforms, strengthened regional cooperation, expanded the field of opening to the outside world and attracted foreign investment to develop their economy. A recent study released by the Asian Development Bank pointed out that South Asian countries will speed up economic development in 1997. The subcontinent of South Asia is located in the center of the crescent along the Eurasian continent, with mountains and rivers connected. It has a vast territory and rich human and natural resources. As early as 1985, South Asia’s seal
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据Dana公司报导,该公司在铣床上使用磁性冷却液清洗机的结果,刀具耐用度提高25%。冷却液中混有切屑,这些混合物的75%,可用过滤器滤出,但剩下的25%却不能滤 According to Da
Aortic aneurysm (AA) is a common health problem with high mortality and no effective drugs. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily members regulate