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  While they may seem like a tool that distinguish sushi regulars from novices3, chopsticks entered the world well before California rolls and bento boxes. The utensils earned their place at the Chinese dinner table around 400 C.E., but appeared in China well before that—around 1,200 B.C.E.
  Fast forward 3,000 years, and more than 20 percent of the world’s population relies on chopsticks for eating. China alone goes through 45 billion disposable4 pairs per year. So how did two sticks start a massive5 mealtime revolution6?
  Chopsticks Started out as Cooking Tools
  China was the first to experiment with chopsticks nearly 3,000 years ago. But at that time, they weren’t used as eating utensils. The Chinese used them for cooking since they could safely dip them into boiling pots of water.
  Not All Chopsticks Are the Same
  Chopsticks are different throughout Asian cultures. Chinese chopsticks, for instance, are long and thick to facilitate7 dining around the table.
  In Japan, where bamboo chopsticks were adopted in 500 C.E. for religious ceremonies, chopsticks have evolved8 over time. They’re now particularly fine-tuned9 for one of Japan’s main foods: fish.
  Japanese chopsticks are short and sharp, mainly because the Japanese are good at eating fish, and it is easy to remove fish bones with sharp chopsticks. The Japanese usually eat individual portions rather than shared dishes. That’s why their chopsticks don’t need to be so long.
  While ubiquitous10 now, disposable wooden chopsticks were first invented by the Japanese in 1878. In ancient times, the upper class in China and Japan used ivory11, jade12, coral and silver chopsticks. They believed the latter would turn black if it came into contact with poisoned food. Now, China uses bamboo for chopsticks since it’s so easy and inexpensive to obtain.
  Head over to South Korea and chopsticks look a bit different. There, chopsticks are flat and typically made of metal. That’s because South Koreans love barbecue. The metal chopsticks won’t burn when diners are grilling13 their meat tableside.
  筷子在整个亚洲文化中是不同的。例如,中国的筷子又长又厚,方便人们围着餐桌用餐。   在日本,公元500年的时候,人们在宗教仪式上使用竹筷。随着时间的推移,竹筷在逐渐改进。它们现在特别适合用来吃日本的主要食物之一:鱼。
  How You Hold Your Chopsticks Matters
  Chopsticks holding styles are more about personal preference than geography, but certain regions hold beliefs about what chopstick-holding preferences mean.“In my hometown, people say if you hold chopsticks toward the bottom (closer to your food) you will marry someone nearby,” someone says. “If you hold them at the top, far away from the food, you will marry someone far away.”
  Another belief is “the further apart you hold your chopsticks, the further from home you will go”. That’s why those in rural China often hold their chopsticks parallel14 or in an “X” shape, while foreigners or those in more urban parts of China hold chopsticks apart in a V-formation.
  While holding styles may be subjective15, chopsticks etiquette16 is not. There are rules to follow:
  ●Don’t eat straight from serving dishes (eat from your plate).
  ●Don’t use chopsticks to pierce food if you can’t grab it.
  ●Only use serving chopsticks to access food in main dishes.
  ●Don’t dig through food in the main serving dish.
  ●Don’t place chopsticks straight on the table (place them on your own dish or a rest).
  ●Never point chopsticks at fellow diners.
  And speaking of resting chopsticks, you should never stick your chopsticks into your food and let them rest there; you should always place them on top of the bowl or plate, parallel to the table. This is because sticking them in your food is similar to putting incense17 in a pot or bowl, which is what we do for ancestors who have passed away. So if you do this, we think it means you’ve called some homeless street ghosts.
  Why to Use Chopsticks
  For the untrained, chopsticks may seem rule-heavy, high risk and—given spills and slip-ups—hardly worth the reward. But these small bamboo utensils do have surprising benefits. According to Dr. David Samadi, chopsticks can actually help diners maintain a healthy weight because they force you to eat slowly, thus helping control your portion size and reduce your risk of heartburn18.
My Trip to the Great Wall  On October 1st last year, my parents and I went to the Great Wall. On the way to the Great Wall, I felt very excited, because this was my first visit. I had dreamed of this
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[摘 要] 数学核心素养是具有数学基本特征、适应个人终身发展和社会发展需要的人的必备品格与关键能力,是数学课程目标的集中体现,是在数学学习的过程中逐步形成的. 通过理解数学核心素养的六个维度:数学抽象、直观想象、逻辑推理、数学建模、数学运算和数据分析,从数学的微命题和微方法入手,探索数学核心素养的有效培育途径.  [关键词] 数学核心素养;微命题;微方法;向量  数学核心素养是具有数学基本特征、适
[摘 要] 基于传统的教学实践的认识,及对核心素养、数学学科核心素养的基本理解,学生在数学学习过程中的体验与感悟,是核心素养落地的重要途径与保证. 基于体验感悟并在数学学习的过程中培育学生的核心素养,最关键的是将核心素养的培育渗透在学生的体验感悟过程中. 这里强调的是渗透,也就是说关键能力的培养应当结合学生体验感悟数学知识的过程来进行,必备品格的生成应当在这样的过程中滋长,数学学科核心素养的六个要
说到路虎,我的脑海出蹦出的第一个词应该是硬派。不过,这次的揽胜星脉却美到让我对它行起了注目礼。  颜值巅峰  对于路虎的设计功底,在几年之前极光刚刚问世的时候,我就领略了些许。不过,这一次揽胜星脉的发布,才真真正正地让我对路虎设计师天马行空的设计佩服得五体投地。  在整个路虎家族中,我认为星脉的辨识度是最高的,在与它初次见面时,那种艺术感以及设计感的气息就扑面而来了。你不得不承认,它的外观真的会吸
[摘 要] 参照《普通高中数学课程标准(2017年版)》中数学学科素养所体现的四个维度,从情境与问题、知识与技能、思维与表达、交流与反思四个维度对一道数学高考题的数据分析素养进行解题剖析并提出四点教学建议.  [关键词] 数据分析素养;课程标准;素养考查分析;高考材  大数据概念的真正兴起是在2008-2012年. 2011年5月,EMC(全球最大的外置存储硬盘供应商)举办了“云计算相遇大数据”的
When Jacob discovers clues2 to a mystery3 that spans4 different worlds and times, he finds a magical5 place known as Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. But the mystery and danger deepen as h
[摘 要] 基于“数学课程标准”的刚性要求,以培养学生“数学核心素养”为教学行动指南,对近期的一节市级示范课“等差数列”(第一课时)进行了课前思考、教学设计、示范教学和课后反思,进而对数学概念课教学设计的实践进行解析,并提出自己的主张.  [关键词] 数学概念;等差数列;教学设计;解析   问题的起因  概念是科学的细胞,数学概念是数学的桩基. 数学概念是反映数学对象的数量关系、结构关系和空间形
[摘 要] 高中数学教学,在追求应试能力培养的同时,应当注意发掘数学知识的精神意义. 理论研究与实践表明,数学思想可以彰显数学知识的精神意义,学习过程中可以培养学生的数学精神,数学文化可以书写数学知识的精神意义.  [关键词] 高中数学;数学知识;数学学习;精神意义  曾经有一位外国数学教育研究者说,“我搞了多年的数学教育,发现学生们在初中、高中接受的数学知识,在进入社会后,几乎没有什么机会应用.
第一台保时捷356“No.1”在几经转手与改造后被保时捷收回,珍藏于保时捷博物馆中。70年后的今天,356“No.1”依然能自如地驰骋在公路上,但它的原始外观被车主按照自己的想法经过深度改造,最初的样子早已一去不复返。2018年,为庆祝品牌诞生70周年,保时捷决定还原那段“创时代”的历史,按照当年的造车工艺和车身形状打造一台展示车。  这辆经过复原的356“No.1”是一台采用铝制车身与管阵车架的