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经过4年多的发展完善,目前,天津市城乡居民医保制度已逐渐形成了“参一保三”的新格局,即参加城乡居民医保,除可以享受居民医保待遇外,还可以同时享受到最高5万元的意外伤害险待遇和2500元的生育保险待遇。据了解,天津在2009年整合了城市居民医保制度和新农合制度;在全国率先实行了统筹城乡的居民 After more than four years of development and improvement, at present, the urban-rural resident health insurance system in Tianjin has gradually formed a new pattern of “participating in one insurance and three guarantees”, that is, participating in the urban and rural residents ’health insurance. In addition to being able to enjoy the residents’ medical insurance, they can also enjoy Up to 50,000 yuan accident insurance and 2,500 yuan maternity insurance benefits. It is understood that in 2009, Tianjin integrated the city resident health insurance system and the new rural cooperative medical system; and took the lead in implementing the plan for coordinating the urban and rural residents
本文提出一种微机控制铁路信号技术的硬件结构,并介绍其硬件电路的具体实现。 This paper presents a computer control of railway signal technology hardware architectur