
来源 :生涯发展教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:farzision
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为了探索成就动机对生涯成熟度的影响,本研究采用成就动机量表和中学生生涯成熟度量表,对上海市五所高中的620名高中生进行调查,问卷有效回收率为85.36%,研究者运用方差分析、相关分析和回归分析对数据进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)高中生成就动机不足,追求成功的动机高于避免失败的动机;(2)男生的生涯自我知识明显高于女生;(3)重点高中学生的生涯成熟度明显高于普通高中的学生;(4)追求成功的动机能够正向预测生涯成熟度,避免失败的动机能够负向预测生涯成熟度。 In order to explore the impact of achievement motivation on career maturity, this study used the Achievement Motivation Scale and the Middle School Student Career Maturity Scale to survey 620 high school students in five high schools in Shanghai. The effective recovery rate of the questionnaire was 85.36%. The researchers used the variance. Analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis performed statistical analysis on the data. The results showed that: (1) The motivation for the generation of high school is insufficient, and the motivation to pursue success is higher than the motivation to avoid failure; (2) the career self-knowledge of boys is significantly higher than that of girls; 3) The career maturity of key senior high school students is significantly higher than that of ordinary high school students; (4) The motivation to pursue success can positively predict career maturity, and the motivation to avoid failure can negatively predict career maturity.
答六弟蘖庵  海云气未尽,潮涨没荒台。  道丧吹天雨,崖崩动地雷。  绝壁吾当忍,长山谁有开。  蛮江浮日落,慷慨各生哀。  晋阳席上赠别  欲别承平客,风尘独自行。  引杯君莫问,阅世涕如倾。  一罢山阳酌,经年意气横。  弹冠应共我,从此复南征。  五月赠友  五月春犹在,清清白露滋。  东风飞宿鸟,小雨长花枝。  迷树失无处,闲云去有时。  江皋新草满,还寄北山薇。  登佛顶山有怀二首  登
听知情人说,查资料看,便知道:羌塘草原,为世界屋脊之屋脊,稀珍动物之乐园。东起冈底斯而衔唐古拉山,北至昆仑山而连可可西里,东自内外流而成分水之岭,西延公珠措而临中尼边界。一到阿里,便对这块“北方高地”心向之,神往之。但因路况差,地遥远,工作忙,一直未能如愿。终在二○一六年新旧援藏干部交接之际,相约几个朋友到阿里境内的羌塘草原走了一回。  一  一进羌塘草原地界,就让人觉得天空旷,地辽远,似乎一眼能
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