
来源 :橡胶科技市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouqidhi
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据中国海关统计,2009年8月我国炭黑出口量为1.38万t,同比增长15.09%;出口额为1297万美元,同比下降7.39%。2009年1~8月累计出口量为8.32万t,同比下降60.58%;累计出口额为7582万美元,同比下降64.77%。2009年1~8月按累计出口量的目的地排序为:泰国(1.64万t)、中国台湾(1.16万t)、? According to China Customs statistics, China’s carbon black exports in August 2009 were 13,800 tons, an increase of 15.09% over the same period of last year. The export volume was 12.97 million U.S. dollars, down 7.39% from the same period of last year. From January to August 2009, the total export volume was 83,200 t, down 60.58% over the same period of last year; the accumulated export value was 75.82 million U.S. dollars, down 64.77% from the same period of last year. From January to August in 2009, the destinations by cumulative exports are: Thailand (16,400 t), Taiwan (11,600 t) ,?
点击新闻事件:牛群“裸捐”风波再起    大梦告醒,“牛”官离去。短短三年时光当中揉碎了太多蒙城人的感情,与之相映成趣的是那个进可攻退可守的相声演员牛群,一边发声明
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