在湖北省宜昌市西陵区窖湾乡,有一位受群众尊称的“科技书记”,他就是乡党委书记胡方池。 窖湾乡因盛产蜜桔而得名,几年来,随着柑桔市场的饱和,许多桔农陷入傍徨无所适从。胡方池及时指导全乡以提高密桔品质和品种结构调整为重点,着力抓好稳定密桔面积,发展四季水果,扩大设施栽培,强特种养殖,提高平方米效益,走高产、优质、高效的农业发
In cellar Bay Township, Xiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province, there is a “science and technology secretary” who is praised by the masses. He is the party secretary of the township party Hu Fangchi. Cellar Township named for its rich tangerine, the past few years, with the saturation of the citrus market, many orange peasants fall into the air. Hu Fangchi promptly guided the township in order to improve the quality of tangerines and the structural adjustment of varieties as the focus, focus on the area of stable tannin, the development of seasons fruits, expand facilities cultivation, special breeding, improve the square meters of benefits, and take high yield, high quality and efficient agriculture hair