螃蟹在甲壳类动物中,是最爱“唠叨”的一族,据科学家观察,螃蟹能发出30余种类似虫鸣的声音。令人惊骇的是在第二次世界大战期间,不知什么原因触动了一群小蟹,它们一齐发出了同一种声音,引得德国人敷设的声学水雷突然爆炸而传为美谈。 记得小时候,我抓了一篓青蟹养在大木桶里,蟹们整夜沙沙声不断,提灯去看看,见它们口中吐着泡泡,沙沙作声,怡然自乐。蟹养在桶里,隔5天一个集市日,依然生龙活虎,我一直以为蟹与水的关系不那么密切。今夏消暑,回家参观乡邻给
Crabs in crustaceans, is the favorite “nagging” family, according to scientists observed that crabs can send more than 30 kinds of sounds similar to buzzing. It is appalling that during the Second World War, for some reason, a group of small crabs were touched, all of which made the same kind of noise, which caused the sudden burst of acoustic mines laid by the Germans and became the talk of beauty. I remember a child, I caught a baskets of crabs raised in the barrels, crabs constantly rustling overnight, lanterns to see, see them mouth bubbling, rustle, happy. Crabs kept in barrels, every five days a market day, still alive and true, I always thought that the relationship between crab and water is not so close. Summer heat summer, go home to visit the neighbors to