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我国各类工矿企业接尖人数超过千万。尽管工人的劳动条件比以前有很大改善,尘肺病得到一定控制。但是,由于粉生防治设备和技术、劳动卫生监督和管理、尘肺病识别和预测等方面的问题,尘肺病仍是我国最严重的职业病之一,在患病人数、发病率、增长幅度方面居世界首位。特别是随着工业迅速发展,接尘人数增加,一些乡镇企业和三资企业的经营者忽视劳动卫生管理,对防护资金投入极少,造成作业环境更为恶劣,使粉尘职业危害形势更为严峻。文中通过剖析一些典型行业和企业的粉尘职业危害,说明目前国有大中型企业粉尘作业环境改善较多,而众多的集体企业、中小型企业问题严重,乡镇企业和部分三资企业更加突出。文中特别指出呼吸性粉尘是导致尘肺发生的主要因素,要防治尘肺,重点应加强对呼吸性粉尘的研究,以便寻求更有效的防治方法。 All kinds of industrial and mining enterprises in our country have over ten million connections. Although workers’ working conditions have greatly improved over the past, pneumoconiosis has been brought under some control. However, as one of the most serious occupational diseases in China, pneumoconiosis is still one of the most serious occupational diseases in our country due to problems and problems in the prevention and control of powdery mildew equipment and technologies, labor health supervision and management, and the identification and prediction of pneumoconiosis. In terms of the number of patients, the incidence and the growth rate, First in the world. Especially with the rapid development of industry and the increase in the number of people receiving dust, the management of some township and village enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises neglects the administration of labor and health care and rarely invests in protection funds, resulting in even worse operating conditions and more severe occupational hazards of dust . By analyzing the occupational hazards of dust in some typical industries and enterprises, the article shows that the dusty operating environment of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises has been improved more than ever before, while many collective enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises have serious problems. Township and village enterprises and some foreign-funded enterprises are even more prominent. In particular, the article pointed out that respiratory dust is the main factor leading to pneumoconiosis, to control pneumoconiosis, the focus should be on the study of respiratory dust in order to seek more effective prevention and treatment methods.
新编中职语文的美学意蕴异彩分层,其语文审美教育意义极其深远。文章主要从崇高美、优美、生态美等方面进行阐释,并对其审美教育的现实意义进行了论述。 The aesthetics of
<正> 1.前言近年来,人们多采用光进行物质、物性动态分析,信息传递、计测、控制。相应地,开发出了许多高速测光方法,作为观测手段已步入实用化。为了实现超高速现象的分析、