Residual stress prediction and control of Ta2O5/SiO2 multilayer based on layer structure designing

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Residual stress, which can be inevitably introduced during the optical films deposition process, must be controlled in many applications since the surface deformation is caused. The residual stress is traditionally controlled by adjusting the process parameters. However, the process parameters are determined by other more desired properties in many fields. In these cases, layer structure is the only variable to change the residual stress status of the components. Ta2O5/SiO2 is most commonly used material pair in visible/near infrared (VIS/NIR) region. In this letter, stress behaviors of Ta2O5 and SiO2 single layers deposited by ion-assisted deposition (IAD) are studied. Stress-thickness linear correlation curves of the two materials are obtained, which agree with the commonly reported linear results. Based on these features, a kind of antireflection (AR) coating acted as back side coating is designed to control the residual stress of components by the layer structure designing. A series of AR coatings at 1 319 nm are designed, according to residual stress status desired to introduce.
In order to improve the characteristics of the general broad-waveguide 808-nm semiconductor laser diode (LD), we design a new type quantum well LD with an asymmetric cladding structure. The structure is grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MO
Conventionally, metallic nanostructures are used for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), but recently there has been increasing interest in the enhancement of Raman scattering from dielectric substrates due to their improved stability and biocompa
提出一种稳健的两阶段层次匹配稳像算法, 在频域结合相位相关和谱对消技术对抖动图像序列间的平移和旋转矢量获得亚像素估计精度。算法第一阶段首先在对数极坐标表示下, 利用相位相关法得到图像帧间的旋转角度和整数像素平移参数; 算法第二阶段运用谱对消技术确定亚像素平移参数。在建立参数运动模型的基础上,通过自适应均值滤波确定各帧修正矢量。实验结果表明, 该方法具有亚像素级的稳像精度。
本底噪声是制约干涉型光纤矢量水听器系统在低频远距离目标探测领域中应用的重要因素之一。为降低系统的本底噪声,提出了一种基于自适应噪声抵消的降噪方法。在光学系统中增加一个与传感迈克耳孙干涉仪结构参数相等的对声压不敏感的参考干涉仪作为参考通道,以获得由光源与电路等共同噪声源引入到各干涉仪的高相关噪声。然后,使用归一化均方根误差的自适应算法分别对声压及加速度信号中与参考信号高相关的噪声部分进行抵消。湖试数据的分析结果表明,该方案能够有效降低系统本底噪声,其中对电磁干扰带来的50 Hz倍频信号的抑制能力高达15~2
铝锂合金是一种理想的轻质高强结构材料, 在航天航空、兵器工业等高新科技领域具有广阔的应用前景。采用Slab型CO2激光器对1420铝锂合金进行焊接, 研究了填充材料和焊后热处理对焊接接头力学性能的影响。结果表明, 焊态下1420铝锂合金接头强度系数可达到90%, 焊后热处理获得了力学性能良好的焊接接头。
In this Letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional(3D) color microscopy for microorganisms under photonstarved conditions using photon counting integral imaging and Bayesian estimation with adaptive