
来源 :中国交通信息产业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiaikai
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写在春天的扉页上当舂风中的花朵在枝头苏醒的时候。当开工的礼炮在蓝天回荡的时候,春天重新来到我们身边,这是祖国又一个更加美好的舂天,是交通事业兴旺发达的春天,也是交通信息化事业又一个崭新的春天。我们为春天而欢呼,为春天而歌唱。刚刚过去的2005年,我国社会经济又取得新的发展,公路交通事业更是呈现一派欣欣向荣,蓬勃发展的大好局面。截止去年底。我国公路通车甲程达到192万公里。高速公路达到41万公里,农村公路和公路桥梁建设等领域也实现了历史性的突破。在“十五”期间,我国高速公路建设先后跃上了2万公里、3万公里、4万公里三个大台阶。高速公路里程稳居世世界第二位两纵两横三个重要路段全部建成全国有19个省区高速公路突破1000公里与高速公路发展相呼应的是管理水平的提高特别是高速公路信息化技术。公路管理成套技术的飞速发展成为“十五”期间高速公路发展的一大特色和亮点,极大地发送和提高了我国公路建设的质量和功能,加速了我国公路事业追赶世界先进 Written in the spring on the title page when the breeze flowers in the branches wake up. When the started salute was echoed in the blue sky, the spring came back to us again. This is another happy day for the motherland. It is also a spring with a prosperous transportation career. It is also a new spring for the traffic informationization project. We cheer for the spring and sing for the spring. The past year of 2005 witnessed new developments in our social economy and the cause of road transport is showing a thriving and prosperous development. As of the end of last year. China’s highway opened to a total of 1.92 million kilometers. The number of highways reached 410,000 kilometers and historic breakthroughs were also made in areas such as rural roads and highway bridges. During the “Tenth Five-Year Plan”, China’s expressway construction has leapt to three major steps of 20,000 kilometers, 30,000 kilometers and 40,000 kilometers. Expressway mileage stable world second The two vertical and horizontal two of the three important sections all built The country has 19 provinces and autonomous regions Highway 1000 kilometers Breakthrough and the development of the highway echoes the improvement of management level Especially the highway information technology . The rapid development of complete sets of highway management technologies has become a major feature and highlight of the development of the expressway during the 10th Five-year Plan. It has greatly enhanced and improved the quality and functions of China’s highway construction and accelerated the progress of our country’s highway industry in catching up with the advanced world
As the important body of CCS to develop land business, CCSC is developing at full speed land inspection and certification business. Recently, CCSC Technical Dir