Non-equilibrium between ions and electrons inside hot spots from National Ignition Facility experime

来源 :MatterandRadiationatExtremes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oyfj2009
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The non-equilibrium between ions and electrons in the hot spot can relax the ignition conditions in inertial confinement fusion [Fan et al., Phys. Plasmas 23, 010703 (2016)], and obvious ion-electron non-equilibrium could be observed by our simulations of high-foot implosions when the ion-electron relaxation is enlarged by a factor of 2. On the other hand, in many shots of high-foot implosions on the National Ignition Facility, the observed X-ray enhancement factors due to ablator mixing into the hot spot are less than unity assuming electrons and ions have the same temperature [Meezan et al., Phys. Plasmas 22, 062703 (2015)], which is not self-consistent because it can lead to negative ablator mixing into the hot spot. Actually, this non-consistency implies ion-electron non-equilibrium within the hot spot. From our study, we can infer that ionelectron non-equilibrium exists in high-foot implosions and the ion temperature could be ~9% larger than the equilibrium temperature in some NIF shots.
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提出一种复合结构应变传感器,该结构将高灵敏度光纤法布里-珀罗干涉仪(FPI)内置于光纤Sagnac干涉仪(FSI)中。利用FPI光谱与定标的FSI光谱叠加产生的游标效应实现了FPI应变传感器灵敏度的大幅度提升。理论计算结果表明,复合结构传感器的灵敏度可以通过两套干涉谱的相对自由光谱区的差来调控。实验结果表明,复合结构传感器的灵敏度相对于单个FPI应变传感器提升了19.7倍,达到65.1 pm·με-1。复合结构传感器在需要高灵敏度测量以及精确测量的场景中具有重要作用。
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