Audio Retrieval Based on Manifold Ranking and Relevance Feedback

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joui248369
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An audio information retrieval model based on Manifold Ranking(MR) is proposed, and ranking results are improved using a Relevance Feedback(RF) algorithm. Timbre components are employed as the model’s main feature. To compute timbre similarity, extracting the spectrum features for each frame is necessary; the large set of frames is clustered using a Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM) and expectation maximization. The typical spectra frame from GMM is drawn as data points, and MR assigns each data point a relative ranking score, which is treated as a distance instead of as traditional similarity metrics based on pair-wise distance. Furthermore, the MR algorithm can be easily generalized by adding positive and negative examples from the RF algorithm and improves the final result. Experimental results show that the proposed approach effectively improves the ranking capabilities of existing distance functions. An audio information retrieval model based on Manifold Ranking (MR) is proposed, and ranking results are improved using a Relevance Feedback (RF) algorithm. Tumbre components are employed as the model’s main feature. To compute timbre similarity, extracting the spectrum features for each frame is necessary; the large set of frames is clustered using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and expectation maximization. The typical spectra frame from GMM drawn as data points, and MR assigns each data point a relative ranking score, which is treated as a distance instead of as traditional similarity metrics based on pair-wise distance. Further, the MR algorithm can be easily generalized by adding positive and negative examples from the RF algorithm and improves the final result. Experimental results show that the draft approach effectively improves the ranking capabilities of existing distance functions.
摘 要:毋庸置疑,体育作为教育的基石,得到了众多专家和学者的高度重视。在实际小学教学中,体育有着积极的推动学生锻炼身体的作用。但是,当前小学体育的有效教学也面临诸多阻力。因此,浅谈提升小学体育教学的有效性策略显得尤为重要。  关键词:小学体育教学;小学;策略  一、 引言  小学体育教学工作是学校教育工作中的重要组成部分,它是培养公民终身体育意識的摇篮,它是提高全民身体素质的基本途径,也是实现人的
摘 要:小学体育课堂教学中,需要重视对学生兴趣的培养。采用灵活多样的教学方法,提高体育课教学效率。文章先分析了造成小学生缺乏体育兴趣的三个原因,再从四个方面阐述了培养小学生体育兴趣的途径和方法:加强师生间的情感交流;增强体育教学的探索性;发挥学生主体选择权力;创设趣味性的教学情境。  关键词:体育;兴趣;培养;途径;方法  兴趣是学生在学习过程中最为活跃的因素,同时也是激發和保持其行为稳定性和动力