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发展社会主义市场经济,建立现代企业制度,必须建设企业文化。企业文化建设必须适应社会主义市场经济发展、深化经济体制改革和建立现代企业制度的要求。重视和建设企业文化是现代企业管理的一种趋势。实践证明,搞好企业文化建设是县级供电企业发展的客观需要,是全面提高企业劳动者思想文化素质的客观需要,也是改进供电企业职工思想政治工作的重要方法和途径。加强企业文化建设,塑造人民电业崭新形象,对于提高县级供电企业的竞争能力,拓宽电力市场,有着不可替代的作用。 To develop the socialist market economy and establish a modern enterprise system, we must build a corporate culture. The construction of enterprise culture must meet the requirements of the socialist market economy, deepen the reform of the economic system and establish a modern enterprise system. Emphasis on and building corporate culture is a trend of modern business management. Practice has proved that building a good corporate culture is an objective need for the development of county-level power supply enterprises. It is an objective need to comprehensively raise the ideological and cultural qualities of workers and also an important way and means to improve the ideological and political work of employees in power supply enterprises. Strengthening the building of enterprise culture and shaping a new image of People’s Power have an irreplaceable effect on enhancing the competitiveness of county-level power supply enterprises and broadening the power market.
所谓执行力,是指贯彻战略意图,完成预定目标的操作能力。 The so-called execution, refers to the implementation of strategic intent, the completion of the intended
本报讯立足于为用户创造价值、秉承社会责任的海尔冰箱,坚持开发高端节能产品,其节能环保冰箱技术不仅大大超越国家标准,而且成 Based on the creation of value for the us
A flexible technique of hot working of bars by axial feed rolling was introduced . The process deformation, strain field, stress field, and temperature field of
Jerry是个爱动脑的女孩子,Look!她正在想办法揭开她周围的字母链之谜呢!Whynot join Jerry and enjoy yourself?It’s very interesting.Come on!按箭头所示方向,从B开始,逐