
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beilei
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校园文化是学校教育不可缺少的重要组成部分。一所学校的发展,不仅仅体现在高质量的教育教学上,更体现在富有特色和个性的校园文化建设上。当前的校园文化已不再局限于校园硬件的布局及环境的布置,更在于师生精神风貌、思维方式、价值取向和行为规范的综合体现,因为它不仅彰显着一个学校发展的理念,更彰显着一个学校的发展方向。因此,行为文化建设、课程文化建设以及师生文化的融合在整个校园文化建设中的作用愈发凸显,它已成为提升教育内涵、促进教育可持续发展的重要途径,成为全面育人的辐射源,成为素质教育的能量库。近年来,我校就此进行了一系列探索和实践,并积累了一定经验。探究行为文化行为文化是校园文化构建的基石,因为行为文化的最终目标是改变师生的生命状态。就教师而言,在行为文化的建设中, Campus culture is an indispensable part of school education. The development of a school is not only reflected in the quality of education and teaching, but also reflected in the construction of campus culture with unique characteristics and personality. The current campus culture is no longer confined to the layout of campus hardware and the layout of the environment, but also to the comprehensive expression of the mentality, thinking style, value orientation and code of conduct of students and teachers as it not only shows the concept of a school's development but also highlights A school's development. Therefore, the construction of behavior culture, the construction of curriculum culture and the integration of teacher-student culture have become increasingly prominent in the entire campus culture construction. It has become an important way to enhance the educational connotation and promote the sustainable development of education and become the source of comprehensive education of people , Become energy education energy library. In recent years, our school conducted a series of exploration and practice, and accumulated some experience. Exploring Behavior Cultural Behavior Culture is the cornerstone of campus culture because the ultimate goal of a behavioral culture is to change the lives of teachers and students. As far as teachers are concerned, in the construction of a behavioral culture,
在幼儿园的这个阶段是幼儿语言形成的阶段,所以幼儿园教育中幼儿的语言能力培养非常重要。为此,本文特就幼儿教育中如何培养幼儿的语言能力做如下探讨。 In this stage of k
我们自1995年3月至1997年1月用自血光量子疗法,治疗急性缺血性脑血管病138例,另以86例单纯药物治疗为对照,以疗效、血流变作为主要指标进行观察分析,现报告如下: 1 临床资料