,High-dimensional quantum state transfer in a noisy network environment

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syyyqw
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We propose and analyze an efficient high-dimensional quantum state transfer protocol in an XX coupling spin network with a hypercube structure or chain structure. Under free spin wave approximation, unitary evolution results in a perfect high-dimensional quantum swap operation requiring neither exteal manipulation nor weak coupling. Evolution time is independent of either distance between registers or dimensions of sent states, which can improve the computational efficiency. In the low temperature regime and thermodynamic limit, the decoherence caused by a noisy environment is studied with a model of an antiferromagnetic spin bath coupled to quantum channels via an Ising-type interaction. It is found that while the decoherence reduces the fidelity of state transfer, increasing intra-channel coupling can strongly suppress such an effect. These observations demonstrate the robustness of the proposed scheme.
人们经常问我:运动神经细胞病对你有多大的影响?我的回答是,不很大。我尽量地过一个正常人的生活,不去想我的病况或者为这种病阻碍我实现的事情懊丧,这样的事情不怎么多。  我被发现患了运动神经细胞病,这对我无疑是晴天霹雳。我在童年时动作一直不能自如。我对球类都不行,也许是因为这个原因我不在乎体育运动。  意识到我得了一种不治之症并很可能在几年内要结束性命,这对我真是致命打击。这种事情怎么会发生在我身上呢
来自南京市第二十九中学的初三学生肖泽青是一个风度翩翩的少年,浑身散发着文艺气息。他曾获得60多项全国性中小学生作文大赛的一等奖、特等奖等荣誉,是北京市写作学会会员,出版了自己的书《含笑的梧桐树》,有40多篇文章发表在国内外各种报刊上。他热爱写作,在文字的世界里纵情放飞自己的才思与梦想;他个性飞扬,对人和事有着独到的见解。让我们一起去认识这个与众不同的文学少年。好文好字闯天下  “窗含西岭千秋雪,门
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