
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boge66
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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a poor prognosis with limited therapeutic o ptions. We propose that local immune responses in patients with HCC are held in check by tumorinfiltrating CD4+CD25+T-regulatory lymphocytes(Treg cells),which suppress the activity and proliferation of effector CD4+and CD8 +T cells. The phenotype and cell cycle status of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte s (TILs) in HCC were analyzed via immunohistochemistry of sections from patients undergoing surgery for HCC and via flow cytometry of peripheral blood mononucle ar cells and TILs isolated from patients with HCC.Circulating and tumor-infiltr ating T-cell function and activation status were assessed via proliferation and flow cytometry. More than 96%of TILs were quiescent as measured via Mcm-2 or Ki-67 expression, while less than 10%of CD8+T cells expressed perform or gran zyme B. CD4+CD25+Treg cells comprised 8.7%(1.4-13.8) of TILs and always exce ed- ed the proportion in distant nontumor tissue (2.4%[1.5-5.6]; P = .014). Treg cells isolated from HCC suppressed proliferation of autologous circulating CD4 +CD25-cells and perforin expression and proliferation of autologous CD8+T cel ls. The proportion of circulating Treg cells in patients with HCC was similar in healthy controls(7.2%[1.2-23.3] and 9.2%[1.6-30.2], respectively), but the proportion of circulating Treg cells that were also transforming growth factor β1+was elevated in HCC compared with controls(55.5%[8.2-73.9] and 2.0%[0-4 .9], respectively; P = .003). In conclusion, TILs are compromised and contain a subpopulation of suppressive CD4+ CD25+Foxp3+Treg cells. Functional deletion of tumor-infiltrating Treg cells could enhance tumor specific immunot- herapy. We propose that local immune responses in patients with HCC are held in check by tumorinfiltrating CD4 + CD25 + T-regulatory lymphocytes (Treg cells), which suppress the activity and proliferation of effector CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. The phenotype and cell cycle status of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte s (TILs) in HCC were analyzed via immunohistochemistry of sections from patients undergoing surgery for HCC and via flow cytometry of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and TILs isolated from patients with HCC. Circulating and tumor-infiltr ating T-cell function and activation status were assessed via proliferation and flow cytometry. More than 96% of TILs were quiescent as measured via Mcm-2 or Ki-67 expression, while less (1.4-13.8) of TILs and always exce ed- ed the proportion in distant nontumor tissue (2.4% [1.5-5.6 ]; P = .014). Treg cells isolated from HCC suppressed proliferation of autologous circulating CD4 + CD25-cells and perforin expression and proliferation of autologous CD8 + T cel ls. The proportion of circulating Treg cells in patients with HCC were similar in healthy controls (7.2 % [1.2-23.3] and 9.2% [1.6-30.2], respectively), but the proportion of circulating Treg cells that were also transforming growth factor β1 + was elevated in HCC compared with controls (55.5% [8.2-73.9] and 2.0 % [0-4 .9], respectively; P = .003). In conclusion, TILs are compromised and contain a subpopulation of suppressive CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + Treg cells. Functional deletion of tumor-infiltrating Treg cells could enhance tumor specific immunot herapy
目的 :研究富马酸奎的平片的药动学及相对生物利用度。方法 :受试者交叉口服单剂量 (1 0 0mg)国产片与进口片 ,用高效液相色谱法测定血药浓度。结果 :两种片剂的主要药动学参
大学毕业后,我在我爸的公司做会计,小岩是公司的销售科长,常找我报销。我喜欢他的幽默风趣,主动追求他,并很快与他确立了恋爱关系。我爸一开始不太同意,说小岩来自偏远农村,跟我的成长环境完全不同,他们家的观念、习俗也和我们截然不同,怕我日后会受委屈。我反驳我爸:“他家离我们那么远,和我有什么关系?小岩在咱家公司上班,我能受什么委屈?”我爸无奈,只好同意。  我是个在宠溺中长大的女孩,从小就做着王子公主的
山中寻房来养老  2012年5月中旬,谌鄂湘、芦斯荒、喻建新三人办完了退休手续,有说有笑地走出工作多年的武汉钢铁集团大门,这三个“老顽童”与尚未退休的另外两个“死党”一起工作了四十多年,也做了四十多年的好兄弟,他们的友情在厂里被传为佳话。  与其他老人退休后喜欢打牌、健身、照顾孙辈不同,谌鄂湘三人喜欢亲近大自然,他们退休后仍一起爬山、钓鱼。半年过去了,武汉进入了冬季。与全国大部分城市一样,武汉市近