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20年前,中国的改革以农村联产承包制拉开了序幕。20年来,我国农村的社会面貌发生了深刻而巨大的变化。然而,农村在进入市场经济的过程中,并没有一下子迈进幸福的门槛,一些突出的问题使所有有良知的中国人不得不面对:农民税费负担重,村级集体经济亏空,日益尖锐的干群矛盾等等。比如,山东淄博市黄崖村农村选举成了角斗场,广西北流市教师要替政府收税,湖北监利县棋盘乡党委书记李昌平因农村问题含泪向国务院上书,陕西白水县西固镇的器休村因农业税发生了干部与农民的厮打。可以说,农民真苦、农村真穷、农业真危险不仅仅牵动着中央领导的心,也无时无刻不让关心农民的各级官员和知识分子心急。农村要改革,应该减免农业税,改革要突破城乡二元结构,要真正实现农村自治,各种呼声和观点似乎让人看到了解决“三农”问题的处方。农村是中国的基础和大后方。江泽民同志曾指出:“基础不牢,地动山摇。”说句实在话,关心农民也就是关心我们自己。而我刊向来以关注并帮助弱势群体和广大纳税人为己任。农村税费重的问题是我们编采人员经常谈论的话题,所以,当我们看到《向农民道歉》一书后,感动之余便是要与广大读者分享。这是一本普通的书,也是一本极不普通的书。在2000年11月,陕西白水县西固镇器休村村民因农业税跟农税? Twenty years ago, the reform of China kicked off with the rural contract of co-generation. Over the past 20 years, profound and huge changes have taken place in the social landscape of our country’s rural areas. However, in entering the market economy, rural areas have not suddenly reached the threshold of happiness. Some prominent problems have forced all conscientious Chinese to face the burden of taxes and fees on farmers and the collective economic deficit at the village level, which have become increasingly acute The conflict between cadres and so on. For example, Huang Ya Village, Zibo City, Shandong Province, rural elections became a playground, Beiliu City, Guangxi teachers to tax for the government, Jianli County, Hubei Jianqi County party secretary Li Changping tearful due to rural problems to the State Council, West County, Shaanxi Baishui Xian Hashimura farmhouse tax due to agricultural cadres and peasants there. It can be said that peasants are really bitter, rural areas are really poor, and the real danger of agriculture affects not only the hearts of the central leadership but also the officials and intellectuals at all levels who care about the peasants all the time. In order to reform the rural areas, we should reduce and exempt the agricultural tax. The reform should break through the dual structure of urban and rural areas. To truly realize rural autonomy, various voices and opinions seem to have given people a prescription to solve the “three rural issues.” The countryside is the foundation and rear of China. Comrade Jiang Zemin once pointed out: “The foundation is not strong and is tremendously moving.” To be honest, caring for peasants means caring for ourselves. My journal has always been to pay attention to and help the disadvantaged groups and the majority of taxpayers as their responsibility. The problem of heavy taxes and fees in rural areas is a topic that we often talk about. Therefore, when we see the book “Apologize to Peasants,” we have to share with readers when we are moved. This is an ordinary book, but also a very ordinary book. In November 2000, Shaanxi Huaxi Village, Xigu Town, Baishui County, Shaanxi Province, due to agricultural tax and agricultural tax?
目的:探讨在胃黏膜中幽门螺杆菌(H pylori)与化生性病变的分布及其相关性.方法:Hpylori感染的胃病患者10例(胃或十二指肠溃疡5例,癌症病例5例),手术切除胃标本做全胃取材,把所有标本做