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戏剧刊物对于戏剧的作用,甚于文学刊物对于文学的作用。 文学刊物和戏剧刊物,有些作用是相同的,例如都有为好作品提供发表园地,通过发表作品培养作者,给读者以阅读的审美愉悦,提高读者鉴赏能力,扩大爱好者圈等作用。但是文学刊物的作者往往以全国为范围,而现在大多数戏剧刊物都只发表本省作者的戏剧作品,这样戏剧刊物培养作者的作用就更加具体而直接;文学刊物联系着作者和读者两个方面,戏剧刊物则联系着作者、读者和演出单位三个方面;一份好的文学刊物往往在一定程度上反映了所在省市(或地区)文学发展的状况,而戏剧刊物的介入则更加深些,不少戏剧刊物实际上是当地戏剧活动的一份编年史。 其实,在现行的抓戏工作体制框架内,戏剧刊物还起着更加重要的发动、组织和凝聚作用。以《安徽新戏》为例,自八十年代以来,省里历次重大的戏剧活动选择剧目的视野,几乎都是《安徽新戏》已发表或待发表的剧目;各地区参加省际戏剧演出活动时,也以被《安徽新戏》注目或加工过的作品作为决策的首选考虑。通过刊物的编稿工作了解掌握全省戏剧剧本生产状况和创作队伍情况,为上级主管部门提供决策依据,早已是大多数省级戏剧刊物的一项基本任务。 Drama plays a greater role in theater than literature in literature. Literary publications and drama publications have some of the same functions. For example, they all have the function of publishing a place for good works, cultivating authors through published works, aesthetically pleasing reading to readers, improving readers’ ability to appreciate, and expanding fan circles. However, authors of literary journals often range from nation to nation, and most of the drama journals now publish only theatrical productions of the authors of the province, so that the role of the drama journals in cultivating the authors is more specific and direct. The literary journals contact both the author and the reader, Drama publications are related to the author, readers and performance units in three aspects; a good literary publications often reflect the development of the province (or region) where the text of the situation, while the involvement of drama publications even more deeper, Many theater publications are actually a chronicle of local theater events. In fact, within the framework of the current grasping system, drama publications also play a more important role in mobilizing, organizing and cohesion. Taking “New Anhui Opera” as an example, since the 1980s, the major dramatic activities in the province have chosen the repertoire of horizons, almost all of which have been published or to be published in repertoire of “New Operas in Anhui”; all regions participate in provincial theater performances Activities, but also to be “Anhui new drama” attention or processed works as a decision-making preferred consideration. It is already a basic task of most provincial-level drama publications to understand the state of production of theatrical scripts and the creative team in the province through the preparation of publications. Providing decision-making basis for higher-level authorities.
艾滋病的全称是获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS),由艾滋病病毒引起,是联合国确定的当今三大国际公害之一。人体感染了艾滋病病毒后,通常要经过8~10 a的潜伏期(此间为感染者)才发
《当代旅游》杂志是经国家新闻出版总署批准向国内外公开发行的社会科学类综合性旅游文化刊物。国际刊号为 ISSN1671-7740,国内刊号为 CN 23-1508/G。杂志集思想性、知识性
适逢教育的春天,面对改革的大好时机,手捧着伴我成长引我走向成才之路的《数学教师》,真是心潮起伏,感慨万千…… 《数学教师》是国内唯一一家以初中数学教师为读者对象的刊
各位领导、各位来宾、同志们、朋友们: 今天,虽是数九隆冬,但这里却充盈着融融的暖意。我们欢聚一堂,庆祝宁夏文联成立四十周年,心中无比激动和兴奋。首先,我向光临今天座谈