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随着新课程改革的顺利进行及不断深化,小学生作文教学成了教师眼前的一个重点、难点。根据我不断总结、虚心请教,我认为要提高学生的作文能力,最重要的途径是使学生养成良好的写作习惯。一、养成观察生活,积累素材的习惯培养学生的观察能力,让学生到生活中找写作的素材,是培养写作能力的前提。小学生生活阅历浅,知识底子薄,如果平时不注意观察生活,不积累素材,写作文时,当然无从下手。写作不只是写作课上的事,要把观察、积累的指导放在日常的学习、生活中。小学生的生活是丰富多彩的:洗漱、上课学习、课间活动、唱歌跳舞、科学实验、假日游玩、家务劳动、街头见闻等。无尽的生活,使他们增长了见识、受到了教育、得到启发、引起想象,情感的波澜激起他们倾吐表达的强烈愿望。教师要抓 With the smooth progress and deepening of the new curriculum reform, primary school students’ composition teaching has become a key and difficult task for teachers. According to my continuous summary, humbly ask, I think the most important way to improve students’ writing ability is to enable students to develop good writing habits. First, develop the habit of observing life and accumulating materials Cultivate students’ observation skills and enable students to find writing material in their daily life, which is a prerequisite for cultivating their writing skills. Primary experience of life is light, knowledge base is thin, if you usually do not pay attention to observe life, do not accumulate material, writing essay, of course, can not start. Writing is not just a matter of writing lessons. It is essential to observe and accumulate instructions in daily study and life. Primary school life is rich and varied: wash, class learning, class activities, singing and dancing, scientific experiments, holiday play, housework, street knowledge. Endless life, so that they increase their knowledge, be educated, be inspired, causing imagination, emotional waves stirred up their strong desire to pour out. Teachers should grasp
2005年是台式PC急剧变化的一年,64位走下神坛、双核处理器推出都是在今 年发生的,即将面临的又是硬件平台大换血的时期,下一代PC会是什么样子?这篇 文章是从美国《PC World》
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2008年10月5日星期日雨我的一颗乳牙已经松动很多天了,我每天用手摸,用舌头舔,它就是不掉下来,气得我直跺脚。 Sunday, October 5, 2008 Rain One of my teeth has been loo
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