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城市森林景观是由乔、灌、藤、花、草组成的立体层次。一些重点工程,往往要在较短的时间内体现绿化、美化效果。因此,大树也就越来越多地应用于园林绿化中。大树移植既费工又费时,同时大树的再生能力比幼树、幼苗明显减弱。因此,园林大树移植成活关键是做好移植和管护工作。随着城市建设的发展,在城市道路建设和老城区改造中,经常会遇到大树甚至古树名木,有的采取绕道而行,有的则避让不开,不得不让树“搬家”。特别是近年来,在园林绿化建设中,为了让绿化早见成效,大树移栽在各大中城市发生的较多。如何让大树移栽后提高成活率?就养护管理谈几点体会。 Urban forest landscape is by Joe, irrigation, rattan, flowers, grass composed of three-dimensional level. Some key projects, often in a short period of time to reflect the greening, landscaping effect. Therefore, trees are also more and more used in landscaping. Transplanting trees is both labor-intensive and time-consuming, while the regeneration ability of large trees is significantly weaker than that of young trees and seedlings. Therefore, the key to the survival of large tree transplant garden is well transplant and management work. With the development of urban construction, in the construction of urban roads and the renovation of old urban areas, oftentimes, trees or even old and famous trees are encountered. Some take detour and others do not open, and they have to let the tree move ". Especially in recent years, in the construction of landscaping, in order to let the greening catch up with the fruits of early success, the transplanting of large trees takes place in many major cities. How to increase the survival rate of transplanting trees? Talk about conservation management experience.
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics(CJAL)plans to publish a special issue of the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics.You are welcome to contribute yo
要加强森林资源管理,完善其管理体系,就要从增加森林资源总量,提高森林资源质量,深化森林资源管理改革及加强机制创新等多个方面着手。 To strengthen the management of fo