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把计算机割入古籍整理领域只是近几年的事情,虽然时间不长,但所做的探索和尝试已初见成效,许多成果可以说是非常有益和有代表性的。从计算机所处理的原文对象来看,已经涉及到经、史、子、集各部;从处理的目的来看,已经与语言学、文学、哲学、史学、医学、佛学以至上些自然科学领域的研究有关,从处理的功能来看,已经具有编索、检索、查重、排序、统计、版式设计、辅助教学、古今对译等多种功能。这些工作大率是由国内不同单位的专家学者完成的,也有一些是国外的汉学家与计算机专家共同做的。概略列举若干: Cutting the computer into the field of sorting ancient books is only a matter of recent years. Although time is not long, the explorations and attempts made have come to fruition. Many achievements can be said to be very useful and representative. From the perspective of the original objects handled by the computer, it has been related to the history, history, sub-collection and ministries; from the perspective of processing, it has been linked with linguistics, literature, philosophy, history, medicine, Buddhism and even some natural sciences Research, from the processing point of view, already has a variety of functions such as censoring, searching, checking, sorting, statistics, layout design, auxiliary teaching, ancient and modern translation. These rates of work are done by experts and scholars from different units in China, and some are done by foreign sinologists and computer experts. To outline a few:
Two new compounds with microporous Co3[MnMo9O32].15H2O(1) and Cu3[MnMo9O32].15H2O(2) have been synthesized,and characterized by IR,element analysis,TG and singl
桃花,这座原本籍籍无名的小镇,在短短几年的时间,创造了一个令外界刮目相看的经济奇迹:5年时间,桃花镇规模工业产值完成了从千万元到百亿元的跨越。 Peach Blossom, a town
空调嗖嗖吹着冷风,复印机吐着文件,同事们来去匆匆,办公室里弥漫着一股紧张的气息。我面对着厚厚一叠白花花的资料,往椅背上一靠,再一次任思绪飘开。  大学毕业后我在父母安排下找了个工作,是坐办公室的白领,但工资还没有爸妈给的零花钱多。从小过惯了公主生活的我,以为好不容易可以尝试不同的生活了,结果还不是一样,每天不停地工作,工资好比奖学金,生活开销仍靠卡。说实话,那一点工资有与没有又有什么不同呢?上周迟
(1)During the Second World War it was difficult to travel byplane,because the seats were needed for important governmentand army people.Mr Brown worked for the
Dimensions of one kind of stainless steel plate before finish rolling were obtained through analysis of the rough rolling processes by finite element method and