A proposal for the morphological classification and nomenclature of neurons

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:khl0907
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The morphological and functional characteristics of neurons are quite varied and complex. There is a need for a comprehensive approach for distinguishing and classifying neurons. Similar to the biological species classification system, this study proposes a morphological classification system for neurons based on principal component analysis. Based on four principal components of neuronal morphology derived from principal component analysis, a nomenclature system for neurons was obtained. This system can accurately distinguish between the same type of neuron from different species. The morphological and functional characteristics of neurons are quite varied and complex. There is a need for a comprehensive approach for distinguishing and classifying neurons. Similar to the biological species classification system, this study requires a morphological classification system for neurons based on principal component analysis. Based on four principal components of neuronal morphology derived from principal component analysis, a nomenclature system for neurons was. This system can be distinguished between the same type of neuron from different species.
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