
来源 :解放军医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xltmzzd
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最近在伦敦召开的国际病毒性肝炎及肝病会议上有人报告,目前正在研制的第三代乙型肝炎疫苗可100%有效。这种疫苗含有乙肝病毒的前S蛋白。第一代乙肝疫苗是用乙肝病毒携带者的血浆制备;第二代疫苗为遗传工程疫苗,只含乙肝病毒的表面抗原。这两种疫苗都不含前s蛋白,在接种者中至少有5%未能 It was reported at the recent international conference on viral hepatitis and liver disease in London that the third-generation hepatitis B vaccine currently under development can be 100% effective. This vaccine contains the pre-S protein of hepatitis B virus. The first generation of hepatitis B vaccine is prepared with plasma of hepatitis B virus carriers; the second generation vaccine is a genetic engineering vaccine containing only hepatitis B virus surface antigen. Both vaccines contain no pre-s protein and at least 5% of those vaccines failed
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本刊讯 据报道,自2000年以来,我国台湾IT厂商不断蜂拥至大陆投资,举凡较有名业者大都已在大陆设生产基地,还在持续扩大之中,企业在台湾接单而后至大陆投产的比重逐步升高。 目前大陆已成