近年来,电视专题类节目发展迅速,呈现日渐繁荣的局面。一些地方电视台尤其注重专题节目的拍摄,创作出不少优秀的作品。在几年来黑龙江省广播电视战线开展的建功立业活动中,涌现出越来越多创优、夺冠的专题片精品。笔者实践中的体会有这样几点: 一是抓住好题材。电视专题片题材的选择是作品得失成败之关键。地方电视台创作电视专题片题材的来源,一靠组织部门、宣传部门及有关权威部门的提供;二靠自己主动寻找,上门索取;三靠观众来电、来信和上门反映。 1998年获奖专题片《今生再续缘》,这个黄埔老人
In recent years, the television special programs have been developing rapidly and showing an increasingly prosperous situation. Some local television stations pay special attention to the filming of special programs and create many excellent works. In recent years, Heilongjiang Radio and Television Front of the merits and dedication activities, emerged more and more excellent, winning the feature film boutique. The author's experience in practice there are several points: First, seize the good subject. The choice of TV feature film theme is the key to the success or failure of the work. Local television stations to create the theme of television feature film sources, rely on the organization department, publicity department and the relevant authorities to provide; two on their own initiative to find, come to claim; three rely on the audience calls, letters and home reflection. 1998 award-winning feature film “Life Continued”, the elderly Whampoa