
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tongtong07
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The effects of solvent and impurity on the crystal habit of 11α-hydroxy-16α,17α-epoxyprogesterone (HEP)grown from solution were studied by scanning electron microscope.Long prismatic crystals were produced when HEP was crystallized from pure acetone and N,N-dimethylformamide,while blocky crystals were produced from pure chloroform by cooling crystallization.One kind of isomorphic impurity,16α,17α-epoxyprogesterone(EP) was selected to examine its effect on the HEP crystal habit.When the content of EP in the mother liquor is very high(55.45%,solvent free basis),the habit of produced HEP crystals was greatly modified from prismatic to octa-hedral.The differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray powder diffraction analyses showed that the change of crystal habit was originated from the crystal structure modification. The effects of solvent and impurity on the crystal habit of 11α-hydroxy-16α, 17α-epoxyprogesterone (HEP) grown from solution were studied by scanning electron microscope. Long prismatic crystals were produced when HEP ​​was crystallized from pure acetone and N, N- dimethylformamide, while blocky crystals were produced from pure chloroform by cooling crystallization. One kind of isomorphic impurity, 16α, 17α-epoxyprogesterone (EP) was selected to examine its effect on the HEP crystal habit. WHERE the content of EP in the mother liquor is very high (55.45%, solvent free basis), the habit of produced HEP crystals was greatly modified from prismatic to octa-hedral. the differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray powder diffraction analysis showed that the change of crystal habit was originated from the crystal structure modification.
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