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埌,当地话为“山脚下的坡地”的意思,因此埌南过去又叫地坡,这注定了藤县埌南的一方水土必然是山水相依而又幽篁清远的,这种意境使埌南沉浸着一种激越的诗情和恬静的画意,让我们在走进埌南的岁月里相得益彰,历久弥新。水声清色白石河在我的记忆中,白石河是一条水色清清、两岸嘉木森森的河流。白石河是浔江的第三大支流,发源于埌南镇屋勤村交刀界,从埌南的交刀流经礼贤、屋勤、屋蒙、江莲、共和、古弄、仁者、昙任、双底、新也、凤凰,再到塘步的律村、 埌, the local words for the “hill at the foot of the hill,” meaning, so Taonan formerly known as the slope, which destined to Tengnan Taonan side of the soil must be landscape-dependent but secluded Qingyuan, this mood makes Taonan immersed in a poignant and poignant sentiments, let us into the Taonan years complement each other, timeless. Acoustic Qingshui Whitehead In my memory, the Whitehead River is a clear water, the two sides of the river Jamison. Baishi River is the third largest tributary of Qijiang River, originating in Jiaonan Village, Taonan Town, Taonan City. It passes through Taoxian, Gongqin, Wumen, Jianglian, Republican, Old Lane, Tan any, double at the end, the new also, Phoenix, and then to the steps of the law Village,
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石溪看戏  离开石溪有好些日子了,在那里看的一场戏依然鲜活在脑海。  沿着清澈小河延伸的公路,转过一个山弯,便是石溪。群山环抱的一片世外桃源般的田畴,河两岸,山坡下,林立的新楼房遮挡了老旧房屋。山上的竹林在雨雾中朦胧了翠影,随着阵阵飘过的薄雾,勾勒出水墨画意境。  尽管雨很大,一直下个不停,依然不减村里老人妇女冒雨赶到石溪河畔看戏的热情。简易钢架搭成的大棚挡住了漫天大雨,戏台下的板凳老早就坐满了人
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在研究辛亥革命史时,很多情况下需要参考冯自由的著作。但是,一定要仔细甄别,绝不可贪图省力,人云亦云。否则很难描绘出准确真实的历史画卷。 In the study of the history
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主要分析地下空间开发中,在地下结构物开口做连接通道的施工流程,同时针对结构施工流程中的受力进行分析与计算。 The main analysis of the development of underground sp
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