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生态农业的规模化经营涉及规模化种植农地的获得、生态养种技术的采纳、生态农产品溢价的实现、环境的可持续性等诸多问题,是一个动态的复杂过程.以银河杜仲生猪规模养殖生态农业系统为例,构建生态农业规模化经营系统动力学模型.基于系统动力学仿真实验方法,对“扩大生态农业系统种植业生产规模、提高生态农业技术水平、完善生态农产品市场”三项生态农业规模化经营策略,设置相应策略参数,通过参数调控实施策略仿真实验.结果表明:扩大种植业生产规模能有效消除规模养殖环境污染,提高农产品竞争力;提高生态农业技术水平,对促进沼气资源的开发利用、降低沼液种植成本具有很好的作用;完善生态农产品市场,是实现生态农产品溢价、提高其社会效益的有效途径,影响着养殖主体开发与流转规模种植农地的决策.最后,基于策略仿真实验结果,针对银河杜仲生态农业系统实际,提出三项具体规模化经营对策. The scale management of ecological agriculture involves the acquisition of large-scale planting farmland, the adoption of ecological breeding technology, the realization of the premium of ecological agricultural products, the environmental sustainability and many other issues, and is a dynamic and complicated process. Ecological agriculture system as an example to build a dynamic model of eco-agricultural scale management system.Based on the system dynamics simulation experiment method, this paper analyzes the scale of production of eco-agricultural system planting, raising the level of eco-agricultural technology, and improving the market of eco-agricultural products Scale eco-agriculture scale operation strategy, set the corresponding strategy parameters, and carry out the strategy simulation experiment through the parameter regulation.The results show that: expanding the scale of crop production can effectively eliminate the environmental pollution of scale farming, improve the competitiveness of agricultural products; improve the level of eco-agricultural technology, to promote The development and utilization of biogas resources and the reduction of biogas production cost play a very good role. Improving the market of eco-agricultural products is an effective way to realize the premium of eco-agricultural products and increase their social benefits, affecting the decision of the main body to develop and transfer large-scale farmland. Finally, based on the results of the strategy simulation experiment, Eucommia Eucommia ecological agriculture system, put forward three specific large-scale management strategies.
尊敬的家长朋友们,你们好,我今天讲的题目是“家庭教育中的‘六要’”。 一、要重视家长的榜样作用 “教育孩子的实质在于教育自己,自我教育是父母影响孩子最有力的方法”。
按国家现有饮用水标准,目前我国大部分地区存在饮用水安全问题。而所谓的已解决饮水困难,也只是基本解决了有水喝的问题,饮用水的质量和安全问题依然存在。  我国的饮用水管理是相对落后的,在2007年以前整整20年没有修订饮用水标准。2007年新颁布的饮用水水质标准监测指标从35项提高到106项,但是除全国少数城市例如北京等城市外,很少有具备全部检测能力,即使可以检测也存在不执行的情况。  在世界发达国家