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绘画是最古老、最主要的造形艺术之一,是用笔、刀等工具和墨、颜料等材料,通过线条、色彩、构图等手法,在纸、布、木、石、墙等多种视觉平面上创造可视的审美形象,是现实生活的高度概括和艺术再现。绘画艺术大体上分为东西方两大体系,东方以中国画为代表,西方以油画为代表。中西方传统文化的差异,在绘画上表现出两种不同的审美取向。在西方,绘画被视作一种认识世界的途径,其审美取向在于写真写实重客观;而在中国,绘画则在于审美移情,形神兼备,妙在传神 Painting is one of the oldest and most important forms of art. It uses tools such as pens, knives and ink and pigments to create various visual The creation of a visual aesthetic image on the plane is a highly generalization of real life and artistic reproduction. The art of painting is broadly divided into two major systems, East and West. The East is represented by Chinese painting while the West is represented by oil painting. The differences between traditional Chinese and western cultures show two different aesthetic orientations in painting. In the West, painting is regarded as a way to understand the world. Its aesthetic orientation lies in the fact that the portrait is realistic and realistic. In China, the painting is based on aesthetic empathy, vividness and vividness
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。青年书家李渊涛 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Young book write
1946年诺贝尔奖金获得者、化学家尤里(H.C.Urey)在一次有关同位素的演讲中,作了一个水从玻璃杯中蒸发的试验,蒸汽带走较多的轻同位素O~(16),最终在玻璃杯中富集了较 In a s
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。智慧快餐@吉建芳@郭世平 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Smart sn
Two-dimensional numerical simulations of M2 and K1 tides were performed in order to assess the effect of the rapid sea level change occurring during the last 20
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。攀比(漫画)@邓伟龙 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Comparisons (