Altay Power Grid is connected with the main grid in Xinjiang

来源 :Electricity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csxna
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<正>On October 16, the 220-kV transmission and substation project from Karamay to Ertix which connects the 220-kV main Xinjiang power grid with Altay region was put into operation successfully. The total capital cost of the project is nearly 230 mill
<正>Promotion of the power industry is an important part of the strategy of the national energy development. Power is an important link in the chain of energy i
2006年,国内零售资本和国际零售资本在同一个舞台上,短兵相接,激烈厮杀。国内零售市场上演了一幕幕大鱼吃小鱼的游戏:物美收购从年头一直演绎到年终,相继并购美廉美、新华百货、时代超市;京客隆并购福兰德;山西当地超市美特,吃下家世界超市部分门店……  随着中国加入WTO过渡期结束。中国零售业领域已全面开放,国际零售商业巨头纷纷进入中国抢占市场。大敌当前,中国零售业加紧并购提升实力。2006年,并购成为
As known from the Southern Power Grid, the Grid is in a more severe situation of power supply this year than last year.Its biggest power gap is estimated at 780
<正>Zhejiang Datang International Wushashan Power Plant smoothly completed 168-hour trail operation for generating unit 3 on September 30. It marked that Datang
<正>The installation of the first domestically made unit ofthe Three Gorges Station was completed and successfullypassed waterless debugging on June 6th, 2007.