
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sleepyxu
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2003年1月9日,尧都区人民法院执行局一行十几人突然来到家住山西临汾市新民小区307室的燕静玲女士家,以执行她的前夫宋红岩与他人债务发生纠纷的生效判决为由,强行将燕女士及其二儿子宋兴国拖至楼下,塞到面包车中拉至尧都区第二人民医院院内,推下车扬长而去。面对突如其来的遭遇,燕女士在大喊冤枉后昏厥在医院的大院里,连外衣都没来得及穿的燕女士醒来后,不顾儿子的劝阻,疯一般赶到尧都区人民法院去讨说法,她的放声痛哭引来人们的驻足围观,听到消息的左邻右舍纷纷赶到法院提出质疑,但有问无答的状 On January 9, 2003, over a dozen people from the Executive Yuan of the Yaodu District People’s Court suddenly came home to Ms. Yan Jingling who lives in Room 307, Xinmin Community, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, for the enforcement of the judgment in dispute between her ex-husband Song Hongyan and the debts of others As a reason, forcibly Ms. Yan and his second son Song Xingguo dragged downstairs, stuffed to the van pull to the Second People’s Hospital of Yao Du District hospital, pushing away the car Yang away. In the face of unexpected encounters, Ms. Yan fainted after shouting wronged in the hospital compound, even the coat did not have time to wear Ms. Yan woke up, regardless of his son’s discouragement, the general arrived at the Yaodu District People’s Court to discuss Saying, she burst into tears crying attracted people onlookers, heard the news of the neighbors have rushed to the court to challenge, but the question and answer
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案例: 2002年12月,孙女士与上海旗忠房地产公司签约购买“山水世纪花园”77号别墅.双方还在“补充条款”中明确约定,赠送孙女士旗忠高尔夫创始会员卡一张、眷属卡两张,法院另
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案例: 吴先生通过中介看中一套白云区的二手房,经过中介的居间服务,吴先生与卖家朱先生签订了《房地产买卖合同》。合同签订当天吴先生付了定金1万元,上下家对交房、付款等
引起媒体争议的沈阳市台商投资纠纷案,历时近两年,终于在2003年11月17曰经沈阳中院再次作出(2000)沈法执字第813号《民事裁定书》,称:"依据中华 The case of investment dis
一家名叫海南万州市政建设有限公 司(以下简称万州市政公司)的企业,因在万宁供水国债项目建设中骗套巨额国家建设资金,其法定代表人兼总经理陈涛(万宁市人大常委会委员)被逮