,Does the grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus adapt to metal polluted habitats? A study of glutathione-

来源 :中国昆虫科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pxp99
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Glutathione contents and activity of glutathione-dependent enzyes in the body of insects inhabiting polluted areas depend on toxin kind,concentration and exposure time.Enzymatic response may be modified by gender,age,developmental stage and state of nutrition.Also,chronic exposure to metals in the environment may cause the selection of individuals resistant to some environmental toxins.To assess the degree of adaptation of Chorthippus brunneus to metal-polluted habitats,we measured glutathione contents and the activity of selected glutathione-dependent enzymes in the offspring of aging mothers which differed in time and intensity of exposure to metals in their habitats.We tested whether differences represent temporal shifts in tolerance range or were genetically preserved and inherited by future generations.We investigated insects from three populations.Two live in heavily metal-burdened areas,exposed to metals for 170(Szopienice)or 50 years(Olknsz)and the third inhabits an unpolluted reference site(Pilical.The most important fandings were age-by-site interactions for all biochemical analyses.Nymphs from Szopienice had lower glutathione contents and lower glutathione-dependent enzyme activity in comparison with nymphs from the reference site.This was especially distinct in nymphs hatched from eggs laid by young females.The offspring of aging females from Olkusz,in terms of glutathione contents and glutathione reductase activities,revealed similar pattes to those from the reference site.For the remaining parameters,enzyme activity pattes in nymphs from 0lkusz were similar to those of nymphs from Szopienice.
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