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为贯彻中共中央国务院《关于加强技术创新,发展高科技,实现产业化的决定》,各省、市、部委都公布了各种文件,其中很重要的一点为:积极构筑技术创新人才高地,提出完善青年科技人才的培育机制,加快选拔世纪学术、技术带头人,培养和造就一支庞大的结构合理的创新人才队伍,形成一批具有较强的知识创新、技术创新和制度创新的高层次人才群体,这无疑是非常正确的政策方向。国家民族的兴旺要靠技术进步与创新,整个国家的技术进步与创新靠的是整个民族的教育与技术素质。要培养整个民族年轻一代热爱科学、钻研技术,造就一大批有真才实学的专业队伍,国家才有希望。笔者和国内省内的有关高校和研究昕的教授、研究员接触较多。深感当前的实际情况和导向令人担忧。不少获得硕士和博士学位包括年轻教授(研究员)的青年人热衷于当官和经商,对自己所从事的教学与科研工作不感兴趣,更不想去钻研。这里的原因很多,但亦与当前的导向有一定关系。目前国内许多高校与科研单位为留住人才纷纷出台了各种补贴政策,1万~10万元不等。对工作在科研与教育第一线的 In order to implement the “Decision on Strengthening Technological Innovation, Developing High-tech and Realizing Industrialization” issued by the State Council of the CPC Central Committee, provinces, municipalities and ministries and commissions have all released various documents, of which the important point is that they actively construct the high ground for technological innovation and put forward their suggestions To cultivate and innovate a large contingent of creative talents with a reasonable structure, to speed up the selection of the academic and technological leaders in the new century and form a group of high-level talent groups with strong knowledge innovation, technological innovation and system innovation This is undoubtedly a very correct policy direction. The prosperity of the nation depends on technological progress and innovation. The technological progress and innovation of the entire country depend on the educational and technical qualities of the entire nation. It is imperative for the country to train a nation of young people who are passionate about science, researching techniques, and creating a large contingent of professionals with the ability to learn from reality. The author and the domestic provinces and colleges and research Xin Professor, researcher more contact. Deeply aware of the current situation and guidance are worrisome. Many young people with master's and doctoral degrees, including young professors (researchers), are keen on being officials and doing business, not interested in the teaching and research work they are engaged in. They do not want to study further. There are many reasons here, but it is also related to the current orientation. At present, many colleges and research institutes in China have introduced various subsidy policies for retaining talents, ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 yuan. Work on the front line of research and education
来宾市通过实行“城乡清洁工程”责任区管理制度,将城区各主要街道、小街小巷、集贸市场及城乡接合部等划分为多个责任区,每位市领导担任一个责任区的第一 Laibin City, thr
一、营造宽松安全的氛围儿童心理学指出 :在民主、和谐、宽松、安全的氛围 ,人的情感体验丰富、思维活跃 ,联想、想像能力高 ,富有创造性。陶行知说 :“创新能力最能发挥的条
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