Problem 1: For a circle O_1: x ~ 2 + y ~ 2 + D_1x + E_1y + F_1 = 0, the circle O_2: x ~ 2 + y ~ 2 + D_2x + E_2y + F_2 = 0. If the two circles are separated from each other, the equation of the straight line where the intersecting chord of the circle intersects is equal to the geometric value of the “pseudo line” l_1: (D_1 -D_2) x + (E_1 -E_2) y + F_1 -F_2 = 0 What is the significance? Question 2: If the hyperbola x ~ 2-y ~ 2 = 1 is known, then the line equation of the hyperbolic string whose midpoint is (1/2, 1/4) does not exist. Find a “pseudo straight line ” l_2: 8x-4y-3 = 0, this “pseudo straight line ” What is the geometric meaning