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IGCP44 7项 :全球前寒武纪微亮晶灰岩 :元古代碳酸盐磨牙构造的全球意义(包括成因、古环境、沉积作用、生物地球化学、构造和地层意义 )申请者 :MengXianghua(中国 )DarrelG .F .Lang(加拿大 )RobertBourrouilh(法国 )  该项目 IGCP 44 Item 7: Global Precambrian Microglite: The Global Significance of Palaeozoic Carbonate Molar Structures (Including Genesis, Paleoenvironment, Sedimentation, Biogeochemistry, Tectonics and Stratigraphy) Applicant: MengXianghua (China) DarrelG .F. Lang (Canada) Robert Bourrouilh (France) This project
林达青先生在《说“多多”》(《语文建设》2001年第5期 )一文中认为 ,“××多多”是一种新兴的用法 ,他说 :“这类用法 ,虽然不合一般的语法规律 ,但是它有较强的表达效果 ,很快
国际会计准则委员会本年早期在约翰内斯堡召开委员会会议,讨论通过并发布了两个会计准则征求意见稿,即第55号——“资产的减损”和第55号——“租赁”。 IASC held a commi
The apparent resistivity data of 11 stations observed in or near the epicentral regions for 6 strong earthquakes are processed by the normalized monthly rate me
Coesite was discovered as inclusions in zircon separates from paragneiss associated with a large eclogite body in the North Belt of the Qaidam UHP terrane on th
AIM:To assess the current clinical evidence of the effectiveness of Xiangshaliujunzi Decoction(XSLJZD)for the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis(DGP).METHODS:R
On the basis of quadrant features of the precursors in geo-electricity and deformation in the case of Tangshan earthquake and Datong earthquake in North China,
20 0 1’国际汉语教学学术研讨会于 2 0 0 1年 6月 2 1— 2 4日在湖北召开。本次研讨会由中国湖北大学和美国纽约城市大学主办 ,中国北京大学、华中科技大学、辽宁大学、清华